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sry for not updating yall, i got aps to work on and im starting a web design agency for the summer
is it wrong for me to still listen to kanye's earlier work (The College Dropout, Late Registration, Graduation, MBTDF) because some of the music feels life changing even though I would never associate with his current beliefs in my lifetime?
emptygod 2 weeks ago

i mean, ur not the one committing his crimes by listening to his music. sometimes shitty people create lifechanging things, if that piece of media means a lot to u then it means a lot to u. just dont support his morals and beliefs!

ordainedmotion 2 weeks ago

this is such a hard question to answer when i think about it because it feels like you have to take so much into consideration, and when i attempted to answer it myself, i felt like i was going to write an essay in response. either way, at the end of the day you do you. though, maybe don't listen through places like spotify where he gets streaming revenue, if you can help it.

connor7000 2 weeks ago

why would it be wrong to listen to music? Most normal people can separate the art from the artist

happyniss 2 weeks ago

no ur not the problematic one so what does it matter

letslearntogether 2 weeks ago

Bruh...I had so much hope that Ye was changing for the better after his interview with Charlamagne back in 2018, and I was plesantly surprised by Jesus Is King the following year, both sonically and lyrically. To be honest, that album (among several others) helped me when I was in a very painful place at the time.

letslearntogether 2 weeks ago

While quite a bit of it seems to be a result of poor decisions made in pride, to see his life continually fall apart is sad. I genuinely pray for well as everyone else. What of all the personal experiences and opinions that aren't expressed out loud by all of the artists, musicians, scientists, and other people in the public eye? Or of anyone that we observe without knowing them well?

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letslearntogether 2 weeks ago

...but I digress. There is a lot of life-changing music out there. If you like Kanye's initial run, you might also like Lupe Fiasco's first few releases if you haven't already heard of them. "Food and Liquor" has early Kanye vibes and he actually helped produce some of it. If you like that "backpacker style" rap, I could make *a lot* more recommendations if you want.

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saltedslug 2 weeks ago

you are allowed to consume art. i hate to break it to y'all, but most "popular" artists (actors, musicians, etc.) are shitty fucking people. you don't get famous in this country without stepping on throats. listen to kanye if it makes you happy!

icelogist 2 days ago

Why would it be wrong? This is part of remembering history and getting to know infamous people, just because you enjoy something that a neo-nazi made doesn't make you a nazi yourself. Perhaps an argument could be made that listening to music produced by infamous people would get more attention to them? But yet you are just arandomuser and kanye is already well known.

since im putting this site on my national honor society resume i might as well update it
How many times have you been commented by others by "knowing how to act like a gentleman"? I'm older than you and yet you are seemingly more mature than me.
arandomsite 1 month ago

ppl say that abt me?? i appreciate it!

my conspiracy theory: the reason ap stats isn’t taught at my school is bc of the big casino a few blocks down
got live camera streaming to work on my local server
(small question: how did you change the preview image?)
Why did your code for the site thumbnail change? Did Neocities update the way it takes the screenshots?
arandomsite 2 months ago

yea, it was a while back i think <- added a countdown app!
jaggiescrapper 2 months ago

cool! though I dont know what to use it for

wizardzz 2 months ago

Thank you so much I added both to my website and it works amazing!!

the-when 2 months ago

awesome, now all I need is something to host my mp3 files on :D

arandomsite 2 months ago

@the-when you should def use or

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the-when 2 months ago

thanks yous

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