-MEOWCO Landing-

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It looks like the website for NewDistricts has officially been taken down. I even submitted a new request for the Aries directory in their guestbook earlier this month. I wonder what the reason was for the site's closure.
While I was watching a YouTube video earlier during lunch, I spotted a video that stated that site hosting websites like Neocities were up-and-coming social media platforms. I don't think I need to explain why any of that is wrong. If you're planning on making a website for fame while treating it like your Twitter account, web design isn't for you.
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I was going to update the Link Binder with some new links. But I'm too tired to do it right now. I've been so busy with so many school assignments and so many health issues that it's impossible for me to update the website with anything. I just wish I could have a break...
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Last updated 17 hours ago
CreatedJan 25, 2021
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