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Kinda feel like going through the Artchives and uploading a bunch of random shit to the site
pencilvoid 1 week ago

I usually prefer to keep it to my best or most interesting works but I think it would be nice to have a whole bunch of random doodles and stuff too

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I think if your community has an abundance of furries that's always a good sign regardless of whether it actually has anything to do with furries. It's kind of like a litmus test for if people usually seen as "weird" feel welcome in your community.
I think I would write on SievePlate more often if I had something that allowed me to quickly punt a thought onto the site instead of going through the process of creating a file, writing in it, adding the front matter, commiting it, building, and uploading. Something to think about when I graduate from Neocities, I suppose.
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wan-may 4 weeks ago

hmm, maybe this is too much of a project, but maybe the Neocities API would be a way to do this? Like, you open up a terminal, it prompts you for your thought and the front matter, then it calls git commit, then your site generator, then finally neocities. Maybe a real CMS is a better option though haha

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pencilvoid 1 month ago

Added some new licensing information. You can find a link to the licensing page at the bottom of every other page

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pencilvoid 1 month ago

Fixed a typo which broke the decoration on the landing page. No idea when it broke

Home of sexual? Who lives in it?
pencilvoid 1 month ago

This is my worst one yet

wg2k 1 month ago


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CreatedJun 22, 2018
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art personal pencilvoid