7,028 updates
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MusicBrainz Picard is so nice to use that sometimes when I'm feeling down I'll go download some free music just to organise it with MusicBrainz Picard. I need to add it to UFSC if I haven't already
pencilvoid 3 weeks ago

New somewhat Valentine's Day-themed drawing!

pencilvoid 3 weeks ago

Also, updated the site to use the new fonts Atkinson Hyperlegible Next and Atkinson Hyperlegible Mono, the latter replacing Fira Code. Fira Code now shows up wherever Cascadia Code did, and Cascadia Code doesn't show up anywhere anymore.

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owlroost 2 weeks ago

Thanks for that note- didn't know Next and Mono were released!

1 like
Hope you are all having a nice Valentine's Day. I'm preparing a drawing of a character I haven't put on my website yet, should be finished either today or tomorrow
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thanks for following!
nomnomnami 3 weeks ago

of course! your site is so cool, love the layout and colors!

1 like
Just a friendly reminder... it is becoming increasingly important to download anything you want to keep. A lot of large platforms for sharing information and media are based in the USA (including Neocities!), so a lot could change over the next few years. Once a file is on a hard drive you control, no one can take it away from you.
pencilvoid 3 weeks ago

If you have the resources for it you should definitely invest in extra storage. Aside from archivism, it is just nice to not have to worry about storage

thanks for following!

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Last updated 4 hours ago
CreatedJun 22, 2018
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art personal pencilvoid