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welp, I'm back in hospital again, terrible time trying to sleep last night (as per usual for the first night in hospital), and I'm meant to be having my procedure in about half an hour. fun times.
leichpfand 2 days ago

What happened??

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friday-girl 2 days ago

Repeat of the same procedure I had at the start of October but now on my other lung (to safeguard that one from the laws of physics as well) and yeah still not a very fun experience.

leichpfand 2 days ago

hope it goes smoothly!!!

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macrev 8 hours ago

well ya only got two lungs, thankfully! feel better soon

Hey you! Have you ever felt mildly disappointed by the theme options for the Neocities code editor? Have you ever wanted to use a slightly different theme? If so, why not try Draculuhh? Check it out here:
friday-girl 3 weeks ago

Winnie managed to slay the dragon - without having a stupid death in the process! (it was absolutely terrifying, but I might try it again, there's still quite a few things I need to explore on the dragon's island :p)

jodieblend 1 month ago

(make sure u ctrl shift r)

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friday-girl 1 month ago

pretty cool ngl

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jodieblend 1 month ago


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antiboyotics my beloved 🙏‍
metonym 1 month ago

gotta get me some of those 🙏🙏

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When did mud2 go free? I looked around on the forums and saw ppl talking about making it free to drive up player numbers... in 2006. When did they actally go through it? I sent them an e-mail but never got a response I think their mail server is down or smth
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friday-girl 1 month ago

To be honest with you, I have no idea. It looks like the .com instance (the Canadian one) went free in 2006, but I have no idea when the instance went free. And honestly I have no idea how long it takes Foddy (the guy who runs the instance) to respond to emails, so your best bet might be to ask one of the Wizzes for a hand with that.

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leichpfand 1 month ago

I'll be sure to do that sometime cuz now I'm very curious. I wonder if the rise in activity in 2012 was due to that...

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friday-girl 1 month ago

clarified some of the instructions for how to start playing MUD2 (but, again, still planning on completely overhauling this page to make it look Elizabethan Tearoom-esque)

Do you enjoy playing ancient free multiplayer videogames? Do you like spoopy stuff? If so, hop on to MUD2 tomorrow evening (24/10) at 8pm BST for the annual Halloween Bash, where chaos will ensue! I'll definitely be there, and the more the merrier! (No idea how to actually play MUD2? Just go to for an in-browser client)
macrev 1 month ago

Ancient, huh? I'll tell my parents and in-laws, LOL

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tower-falls 1 month ago

how does a complete newbie to MUDs get started in 2024? asking for myself of course

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friday-girl 1 month ago

Well, if you want to hop in and check out MUD2, there's the aforementioned in-browser client (to actually play MUD2 for realsies, and not as a guest, you'll need to go to (http, not https) to make an account (again, completely free)). For further instructions, see

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Hello, people reading this! Do *you* want to keep Neocities free from Generative AI? If so, you should go sign this petition (and share this petition so others know about it!)

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CreatedApr 6, 2022
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