
970 updates
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Badgersaurus was updated.
3 days ago
badgersaurus 3 days ago

HERE IT IS!!! I think everything should be looking right but let me know if there's anything obviously wrong. This site now uses iframes so please head to /index and explore from there. Thank you!

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Popping on here to say all the new graphics and all but one rewritten pages are done! I just gotta fixup the code and move everything over and paginate a few things and then it's all gravy. So the redesign'll be out by the end of next week for sure. I've also gotta couple new pages ret-2-go right away or very shortly so watch this space!!
Badgersaurus was updated.
3 weeks ago
badgersaurus 3 weeks ago

Sorry for spreading misinformation over the internet I got it done. Updated my age for my birthday, stuck some new names on my lifelist!

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oudkee 3 weeks ago

YOU'RE 18???? i genuinely thought you were my age or older because your site and "Brand" seems like. so cohesive and competent lol (happy belated bday!!)

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badgersaurus 3 weeks ago

@oudkee Thank you so much!! That compliment means a lot to me bc maintaining a coherent 'brand' or vibe or whatever has been a big concern of mine with this site for whatever reason. I've had a strong interest in advertising since I was a little kid so that's why I guess.

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Badgersaurus was updated.
1 month ago
badgersaurus 1 month ago

Just a vacation note!

divergentrays 1 month ago

Congratulations on graduating! Woo! Palm Springs is a neat place and close to other neat places - hope you have a great time!

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Badgersaurus was updated.
1 month ago
badgersaurus 1 month ago

Squeezed something really dumb and totally self-indulgent out between diploma review sessions.

Badgersaurus was updated.
1 month ago
badgersaurus 1 month ago

i changed the 404 image to a junpei persona 3 because my taste in video games is horrible and everyone must know. back to the finals pit for me

urusei yatsura reboot ending in the next couple weeks my dumb ass is NOT prepared. this alien bullshit has been the only thing getting me thru senior year i stg
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badgersaurus 2 months ago

its MY shitty last year of highschool and I get to pick the low quality anime bullshit i become unreasonably obsessed with and doodle creatures from all over my physics homework

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badgersaurus 2 months ago

website update coming as soon as possible but between finals and my work that wont be for a while

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Graduating today. just like in azumanga daioh
badgersaurus 2 months ago

i'm not even going to the banquet or party i'm going to the one for a whole other school in june i just get to go watch people walk across stage for 3 hours

smock 2 months ago


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rh0mbus0fruin 2 months ago


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Also I'd like to formally apologize to Legendary Pictures for describing the scrapped Godzilla X Kong Not-Mothra as a 'basic bitch fursona' because we now have concept art images of it and it is even worse. I hate this thing. Sorry.
Badgersaurus was updated.
2 months ago
badgersaurus 2 months ago

Bird is the word etc.

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Website Stats

Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedMar 15, 2022
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personal art birding punkrock videogames