Owl's Roost

17,922 updates
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Okay, your pixel sculptures are amazing. I love the pseudo-staircase in particular- it's captivating because of that internal glow. It looks like it feels like a slightly soft candle.
wraithglade 1 week ago

Thanks! It's always good to get feedback and support! I've been somewhat stuck on a creative rut these past couple weeks, as well as attending to other things (like the upcoming xmas season). I've been thinking of doing more of those sculptures though. I am interested in so many creative mediums, but my life stresses cause a bit of mental block currently. Hopefully I'll get through that soon. Thanks again!

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Still alive, just mostly posting to subdomains and side sites lately. Happy holiday season!
owlroost 1 month ago

Me: pushes an addition to MultiChat. Proceeds to break it with the fix. Suffice to say that it actually works now. XD

"how do I embed a page into another page?" On Neocities, your best bet is iframes. You could also use JS to imitate PHP includes, but iframes are easier (that's how my own changelogs are on my homepage!).
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maryseph 1 month ago

Will do! Thank you for the info!

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owlroost 2 months ago

Had to tweak an ID on the changelog to make sparkledog mode usable, hence all the changelogs being reuploaded. 2024 has the updates as usual.

pixelglade 2 months ago

I saw your update about the new domain - welcome to the .net club haha. I'll update the Focus First webring widget soon

1 like
owlroost 2 months ago

Thanks for the welcome. :P Liking the new domain quite a bit, and thanks for the reminder to mod the widget to remind people to do that!

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riomccloud 2 months ago

I loved your new homepage!

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Site buttons: updated! You might want to snag one of the new ones if you're linking to the site.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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writing furry poetry accessibility queer