Salty's Lair | Landing

2,936 updates
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someday i'll post all my updates here... v4.0 has been living on my computer for so many months i forgot what my published site even looked like :(
wow, amazing stuff!! i am absolutely obsessed with your art <3
saltedslug 1 week ago

also you should make a site button :)

My gosh, I accidentally deleted your message x'D I was trying to like it so I could reply... but it's truly fascinating that the screen capture works like that
Follow saltedslug. They are a gold star lesbian. ⭐️
rusty-bytes 3 weeks ago

let's go lesbians let's go!!!!!!!!

yo i didn't mean to delete your reply about metropolis. i thought "delete" was "reply" lol. no i haven't seen metropolis but i should. someone i know really likes it
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saltedslug 3 weeks ago

it's in my top 5 favorite movies for sure. there's this crazy haunting beautiful fkn scene at the end and it just kills me every time

foureleven 3 weeks ago

I LOVE METROPOLIS SM... Please watch it

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bokuwatetsuo 3 weeks ago

@saltedslug @foureleven !! it'll go on my list with the other otomo stuff i have to watch/read

send me an email at thesaltedslug @ and i'll get your supporter account paid for :)
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ninacti0n 3 weeks ago

Oh no no- Please don't worry, there's no need for that :'] I appreciate it a whole lot, but there's no need. I managed to purchase my slot on a host my dad has used for years, and it was a one time purchase too.

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ninacti0n 3 weeks ago

I can say tho... to support the domain, I'll link my Ko-Fi to my homepage in a later update. I made it in case some people would like to tip or support later updates ^^

been heavy into dub these days, and this is my favorite track rn:
The new revision is absolutely incredible. I love all the new assets, and the new landing page is DELICIOUS. I'm about to dive into the CSS and see what's under the hood :) The little "blog" notebook is my favorite part, and the firefly animation. Can't wait to see what's next :)
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ninacti0n 1 month ago

Oh my, this means a whole lot, thank you!! :'DD The enter page was so painful to make, but it's the one I'm proudest of so far! I still need to do some adjustments, but it'll be worth it. Also yee, I always wanted my own little blog space! Planning out the notebook square was a very fun idea ^^ And can say there's a lot to look forward to for sure! It'll be lots of fun!

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saltedslug 4 weeks ago

I think the work was well worth it, IMHO. The color palette is STUNNING, and the tree is so beautifully illustrated.

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just discovered your "kodak dc200" page after a rebrowse of your site; i'm a big fan of hobbes :)
dann 1 month ago

She was the best. RIP

i'm addicted to marvel rivals :(
jodieblend 1 month ago

I have tried EVERYTHING to get that game to not turn into a stuttery mess. I think my linux is just a little too out of date for UE5 games. :P

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedDec 23, 2022
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art music technology graphics queer