3,360 updates
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just for your information: I have a nekoweb website (, thats probably where all the fun stuff will be put, but there will be updates to this website too, so don't worry, i'll still feed you all with content very soon! :D
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helloooo :D
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life update: hi guys i got an anti tetanus vaccine, then collapsed three times in our school hallway... it was very awkward..
rotaryphoney 4 months ago

im okay now, it just kinda feels numb on my left arm (where i got the anti tetanus vaccine)

woah 60k views?? thanks :DD
errmmm... so our results in advanced mathematics were revealed, i got a 45/50!!! :00
rotaryphoney 6 months ago

i promise to make an update on this website, dont worry, im just not sure when i'll make the update :D

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ahhh im so sorry for the lack of updates again, ik i keep repeating this but school has been kinda stressful for me since almost every day they give us assignments that are mostly due on the next day, i feel like im falling behind on my academics... and will probably get an 80-85 on our 1st grading (the lowest grade that is given to a STEM student)( ; ; )
rotaryphoney 6 months ago

thats why im more prioritizing my academics more than this website, i hope you guys understand ( ; ; )

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xxhalfemptyxx 6 months ago

i get it, my ass is also dealing with so much assignments right now, and i don't really have the time for animal of the months and beauty reviews like i used to

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xxhalfemptyxx 6 months ago

and trust me, you'll probably get a 90-100

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rotaryphoney 6 months ago

ahhh thank you so much( ; ; )i think my academics are gonna flop for a bit but ill keep studying!! and copy down notes ^^ (our notes are included in the grading criteria aaaa)

hihi long weekends but i gotta finish our assignments to ermmm still no updates
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got accepted after the interview in the english club in our school, updates will increasingly slow down depending on the schedule (if they give one)
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finally, a proper website update, yippeee!
added final touches on the main page layout! might make it accessible later tonight :3 (10:30 PM GMT+8)
rotaryphoney 7 months ago

im actually pretty happy with the current/upcomming layout, but i might tweak something a little, but not tweak it into a new layout :P

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedSep 4, 2022
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