hey! so I'm (formerly) TRICKSTERhat, changed my site url to maehat.neocities. (also good moment to remind you that I have a button since your link to my site is just text :p)
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May be breaking a ton of webrings and links to me, but changed my site name to maehat.neocities.org ! If you link to me and see this, please change the link to reflect this change. (formerly tricksterhat)
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I should drop the cohost archive idea, posting the recent JOURNAL ENTRY made me realize, damn I only have 1GB of storage. (for many reasons I can't pay for supporter :c)
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The BATTLE NETWORK shrine isn't even fully done and it's already occupying a ton of storage space. So, maybe I should re-think stuff that would cost a ton of storage, gotta use that 1GB wisely.
Updated the MOST RECENT ART, also added buttons for other social media where I host my art.