I like it! But on your site it flips colors, maybe instead of box blur you could use a dither to transparent GIF? Or are you going for more of a glow effect?
I like the fact that the blur has caused it to look even shinier and almost like car paint. If you're going for the logo glowing, then it's perfect. If it's just meant to have the nice shine only, I'd take the time to erase any bleed over of color on the outside of the letters.
MS Gothic (same as most of the site's font). I once came to a false conclusion that I unintentionallly made it some Segoe UI font and it hadn't been until today when I realized that I was right the first time LMAO.
Lukas Zone MX Ver 1 Post-Release Patch #1: Fixed the A tag bug (a missing < / A > tag caused sections of the page to be a link to the sitemap), updated sitemap published, and all links to the Version History page should work again.
I also added the links to the enlarged images from the "Whats New" section, so clicking the images should no longer give you a 404 page..
Added link to the rewrite!