
1,210 updates
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churchbasement 2 months ago

aye noice :) best of luck

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churchbasement 2 months ago

i have a sc64 im looking to sell if you'd be interested

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visualculture 2 months ago

i just sent you an email :)

awesome site containing a PLENTY of cool curiosities!!! love the designnn!!!! thx 4 the follow!!!
Thanks for the follow! The graphics and animations on your site are done really well and I enjoyed reading through the books in your archive (I’ve also played Eastern Mind and it’s a wild game). Really looking forward to seeing what you add to your site
counterweightcity 3 months ago

wow thank you so much!! I love your music and that's insane that you've done stuff with C!erra My$t

Hey, thanks for following! Checking out your site, I really like how atmospheric your photography is. I'm hoping to check out the translation side project soon too!
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hey visual, did you get an email from me yesterday? i just encountered this rather annoying problem where some email providers (such as gmail) mark my mail as spam due to some weird things i put in my emails (html...), and thus, refuses to send to the recipient.
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elite784 3 months ago

okay good, it could be just gmail then (here's hoping...)

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underrated site alert!! thank you for the follow, im in love with your photos and your other site is really neat as well!!
visualculture 3 months ago

Thank you! I really like all the interactive components you’ve incorporated into your site. There is so much to explore

whoa, you use actual film to take pictures? thats actually pretty cool! i also like how detailed your electronics page is. i still need to give your music a listen, and A2 in zettelkasten is scarily true. deffos adding you to my list of cool sites!
visualculture 3 months ago

Thanks! Your projects list is interesting, I want to know more about the RF capturer and video synth. I am currently researching analog video generation to create my own video modules

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elite784 3 months ago

the rf capturer is something that allows you to capture raw analog signals to your computer using an open source software called vhs-decode ( since i still dont have the nessesary cards, i've been trying to figure out what pins im supposed to tap into so that once i aquire the cards necessary, i can get right on it.

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elite784 3 months ago

as for the video synth, i recently got into video synthesis and i want to try my hands on making my own hardware video synths

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You grasp towards the blue sky as the curl of tendrils knit together, severing your connection with all you had known. The air grows warmer, heavier, wrapping around you like a shroud. Now behind you, the world dissolves into ash and memory...
vegacollective 3 months ago

The beat thumps deeply, rattling your chest as you wake with a start. You cast a glance around your living quarters as its muscular form gently swells and contracts. Relief spreads through you as you sync to the calming rhythm of Vega. But there is no time to waste, you have a shuffle board contest to win. UBWU

rbuchanan 4 months ago

I refuse to listen to your music or exposition thereof until I've sufficient time to scrutinize it minutely and satisfactorily come January. Your audiocassettes look fantastic; that concordant obi is a perfect touch.

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMay 8, 2020
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35mm vaporwave electronics cassettes