also gonna make a blog post on how much i'm liking mhwilds soon, along with something about the neo-y2k movement with my inspirations in the gallery
i wish the weather was good here... the wind nearly knocked a tree over LOL. make sure u enjoy it!!
The weather could be much nicer where I am. Glad that it's beautiful where you are.
like have you seen brawlersworld's website or 2ADVANCEDSTUDIO's new website that's just their old flash one but remade in rive?? it's so cool...
i'll find a way to use it one day although not anytime soon. i hope it bring upon a new golden age of webdesign even if unlikely
changed + added music players to some pages, along with remembering (oops..) that i had a video game library, so i added a few new entries to it about new games i've played
is the game gatcha like bbs?
@rhinedottir nah, actual console fighting game this time! has a pretty good roster and looks pretty high quality so i'm super excited