
7,219 updates
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Your site is fucking awesome and you should be proud!
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niicespiice 1 week ago

what changed on this update?

youtuube 3 days ago

@niicespiice changed the history section to be more impartial/coherent, added a few more parts to it

pranksterjpg 1 week ago

yeah so you probably get this a lot but im crazy about this. i used to make up stories in my head about why the pennies would happen, i feel like im going to be thinking about this for a long time-- sorry if it's a strange message to recieve. wrow awesome update from youtuube

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citizensofscience 2 weeks ago

Service is such a good album I will always defend it

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youtuube 2 weeks ago

@citizensofscience it's usually the one I use to introduce others to YMO since it's pretty straight forward synth pop, but their 1st album is def my fav

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citizensofscience 2 weeks ago

@youtuube I just go for Solid State Survivor when getting into it. Service is my favorite despite literally my entire website being based off of Multiples

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i feel like it's a bit mean to have a page about trolling people (aka, purposefully annoying people) when all it's doing is making some random people online angry. i think your trolls aren't particularly natsty and actually are funny (if someone made fake alien jokes on a stream i'd start laughing and it would be great) but annoying 1 person online doesnt help undermine yts business at all. its just mean
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youtuube 2 weeks ago

you assume it's done just to anger people but the real fun is simply seeing how people deal with out of left field comments. it doesnt have to be done in a malicious way. i used to try and do it where it'd give the streamer something humorous/engaging to talk about, there's a lot of people out there otherwise streaming into the void.

What happened to arkazis?? Their Yahoo Answers trolling section was the best
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xylox 3 weeks ago

wut.. im still here

xylox 3 weeks ago

rebranded this summer and came back with a new design

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youtuube 3 weeks ago


youtuube 3 weeks ago

I'll update your pop up ad link on my homepage

humantooth 1 month ago


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killalocalpedophile 1 month ago


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fauux 1 month ago

Gold as always

Just pranked one of my classmates with this site and made them think this was an unblocked version of YouTube :P (great site btw, really goes into detail about the issues of YT as of current)
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youtuube 1 month ago

Haha I'm very glad to hear that. If you really wanna mess with people, go to this page on a public computer, put it in fullscreen mode, walk away, and just let it do its thing:

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niicespiice 2 weeks ago

that better not be javascript-based malware because i just clicked it lol 💀

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CreatedFeb 21, 2019
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