Scott's Site

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Scott's Site was updated.
4 hours ago
Q'PLAAAAAAAA! Superdeb's programming list is down to a small bug fix and (poetically? xD) finishing off the "yay you've completed the game" screen. Then it's level building taaam. Publishing the first version soon is actually (finally) a very real prospect. Yay!
Well, all of the "main programming" jobs are done on Superdeb, and all that's left is a buncha small ones. Then I just gotta build 10 levels and it's launch V1 time. I doubt I'll get all that inc the levels done tomorrow, but hopefully sometime the following week. :D
And we DON'T want any zombie turkeeeeys, I DON'T want to turn into a turkey myseeeeeeeeeeelf.
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Well I was supposed to make a lot of progress on Superdeb this weekend. Instead I spent the entire weekend tryna solve a coding problem on it that basically didn't exist and the problem only was caused by me completely overthinking it and not realising something obvious. Yay for that. -_- Oh well at least it's sorted now I suppose.
I'm definitely in a retro/retro gaming mood as of late. This weekend I'm gonna get all my old consoles n games, see what I have. Sadly I sold a lot of it. But I'd like to build up my retro collection again. I'm pretty sure I never sold any of my actual consoles however.
Scott's Site was updated.
3 weeks ago
scott2 3 weeks ago

Daily Cat #00011 has been posted. It's about a famous UK cat!

divergentrays 3 weeks ago

Love Larry! I did a web page on Government Cats and Riot Dogs. Wish more places had official cats!

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scott2 3 weeks ago

That's a really nice page you've made! And I agree, every organisation should have an official cat! :D

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Scott's Site was updated.
3 weeks ago
scott2 3 weeks ago

Daily Cats #00010 - A look back at 2003 where a band of cats made us all drink Crusha Milkshake lol. xD

Scott's Site was updated.
3 weeks ago
scott2 3 weeks ago

Daily Cat #00009 has been posted. Today's cat enjoys a nice nap on the grass in the summer.

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Scott's Site was updated.
4 weeks ago
scott2 4 weeks ago

Daily Cat #00008 has been posted. The Cat and the Pea. An epic re-telling of a classic story.


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CreatedFeb 4, 2023
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