Scott's Site

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scott2 6 days ago

This (or something similar) is also a viable option for new/free Neocities accounts which I believe are unable to use Disqus due to some kind of cross site policy thingeh.

lankarta-project 6 days ago

those ads are ridiculous, it's like adding a widget from some shady "news" agregator, so glad there is a repracement for that functionality

1 like
Whew, that's all the link rel=canonicals and other meta tags all sorted on every page on my site and every page on every project. Well, except the ones where I've inevitably made a mistake or just plain missed it! 🙃
😼 Meooow! The pet poll placed presently on my site is at 90 votes total so far. Cat is winning by FAR with 44 votes. Dog is second place with 19 votes. I voted Cat myself, but I'm surprised! I thought the vote count would be a lot closer than this.
Announcing... Plant. 🌱 🌸 "You've found a seed and a plant pot. I don't recommend clicking on the seed at all."
🌱 🌸 - ?????????????
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scott2 1 week ago

Hey all, sorry to be a pain. But in the spirit of saving electricity and looking after the environment can y'all please remember to use the new light switch to turn off the light before leaving my site from now on. Thank you.

saltedslug 1 week ago

Hey Scott, could you maybe just setup something akin to smart home clients where I could just say, "Hey browser, turn off Scott's lights" when I leave? Thanks :)

scott2 1 week ago

Sounds convenient, I'll look into it haha!

scott2 1 week ago

Just updating the meta tags on old projects again. Currently doing this for every page on my entire site lol 😁.

1 like
skep 1 week ago

I meant to say, I've started to add meta tags to my pages based on your guide. Thank you!

1 like
pls rework the PHP/SQL tutorial you had!! i'd still like to learn even if you can't use free server hosting sites. i'd just really like to make my own widgets to make my site interactable

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedFeb 4, 2023
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