Scott's Site

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The Tea VS Coffee poll on my site is at 90 votes! 38 to Tea, 36 to Coffee and 16 to "NO TO BOTH"! Tea and Coffee have both overtook each other several times. If it remains this close once reach 100 votes, I'll probably just call it "practically a draw" due to that. xD Thank you everyone who has voted thus far!
scott2 6 days ago

Welcome to 2005! A layout with no doctype, no CSS and no JS! Made entirely with tables. And yes, this was indeed, a complete waste of time. Also plz use Internet Explorer because Firefox don't support marquee.

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lankarta-project 6 days ago

Not 2005 enough, I was hoping for some fun Macromedia Flash game window that doesn't work ๐Ÿ˜ข

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scott2 6 days ago

Yeah haha! Also maybe I should put some "Ads by Goooooooooooooooooooooogle."

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kobegeens 6 days ago

My firefox supports marquee on both my phone and my computers

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zumi 1 day ago

Don't forget the scanline background for some reason!

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scott2 1 week ago

Actually got most of the audio functions done today after writing all this! I've not uploaded it yet however, gonna wait until all the Audio functions are fully done, at least.

bmh 1 week ago

I find I have a tendency to use organising and tidying stuff as an avoidance tactic for getting on with a task. It's not necessarily a bad thing because once things are in their place then I can get on with the task... but really things should have been tidy and organised to begin with...

scott2 1 week ago

Yeah I can relate to that! I definitely think there's a balance and and it's possible to end up too much on the organising side as well. Like, I think organising when it's making the project simpler/more fun to work on, I'd say that's good, but, if organising and reorganising over and over, it might be time to focus on getting stuff done for a while.

bmh 1 week ago

Wordpress used to do this thing where it immediately suggested a list of blogs I might be interested in based on the tags I included in a blog post. That was a great way to find like-minded people on the platform. Personally I can't stand the 'blocks' thing.

scott2 2 weeks ago

I did a lot of work today lol. I'll do a blog post on Sunday explaining my progress thus far.

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1 like
The front page is certainly eye-catching :) Had fun poking around your projects!
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scott2 2 weeks ago

Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜

scott2 2 weeks ago

Game Library Update: It is now called TinksJS, after a cat ๐Ÿ˜บ I know. The reference and example pages have new layout since last upload which is hopefully better. There are now examples for the functions from init() to loadImage(). Switching display modes (embed/fill window/full screen) is now a lot more solid. More coming soon! Now I go play video games. ๐Ÿ˜

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I meant to post this around Christmas and forgot, but I just wanna thank those who have supported my site/projects over the years, or those who've done so a lot recently, or both. I was gonna write a thank you list, but I don't wanna cause upset by forgetting anyone. So I'll just say thanks for the visits, likes, comments, subscribes, reactions, shares, poll votes, and so on, it really does mean a lot!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Coffee is winning the Tea VS Coffee Poll by one vote!!! Someone sort it out! Vote on the left column of my site, or on the burger menu if you're using some kind of accursed mobile device.
scott2 3 weeks ago

Thanks whoever did that! We have a silent warrior, defending the honour of tea. xD

Since I now know about Ace (a free client-side code editor and syntax highlighter), I've gone ahead and added it to my old website building tutorials. As such, you may find this page useful for testing quick bits of HTML/CSS/JS:

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CreatedFeb 4, 2023
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