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i've gotten ~$7.50 from a minecraft mod i made two years ago. what do yall think i should buy with it?
psychicnewborn 3 days ago

invest $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

psychicnewborn 3 days ago


trish 3 days ago

grab a piece of the pie w/ an ETF for ur portfolio

myrrh 2 days ago

property for sure πŸ€‘

owlroost 2 days ago

The US Mint!

tripixel 2 days ago

something that approximately costs 7.50 dollars

1 like
dabric 1 day ago

@owlroost i looked into the us mint and they're having a crossover with dc comics. i didn't know they did that

owlroost 1 day ago

Huh, neither did I. Also, serious answer: you can get some nice pens for that price. Platinum preppy should be close, if you ever wanted to try a fountain pen.

1 like
if you like to use image-rendering: pixelated, it'll make your images look weird by default on windows pcs with a 4k monitor as itll upscale by a gross 1.5. something i just realized and dont really know what to do about
psychicnewborn 2 weeks ago

"WARNING: no fancy screens"

1 like
i'm getting hella views... i think this is what the cool kids call "passive income"
had a dream trump and biden were salamanders and during the presidential debate they were arguing over who was the better salamander
dabric 3 weeks ago

@thegibusguy Fuck i deleted your reply on accident. but i looked up homestuck salamander and that guy seems very sily

transring has such an iconic widget. it's so nice looking
1 like
another post about marquee but is there a source saying it isn't in the standards? i keep on hearing that marquee isn't in the standards, so a browser could just drop it if it wants, but it appears to be in there: sure, discouraged, but from what i've seen there it dosen't seem like a browser can avoid it without not being compliant
friday-girl 1 month ago

Marquee is still in the standards - for now - but it's still classed as a 'non-conforming feature' within the current HTML standard. See

interesting how nekoweb is more... centralized if that's the right word. it seeps into your website a bit more with elements.css and a follow button widget and a guestbook. it doesn't currently add much lock-in but it's different then how neocities does things
oh my god there's more drama and it keeps on reminding me of hypnospace Aaaa
dabric 1 month ago

if you find neocities drama annoying maybe consider playing hypnospace outlaw. i can't take any drama here seriously after playing it now

marquee being removed in firefox is insane
dabric 1 month ago

waitwaitwait. im trying this now on 126.0.1 (firefox claims this is the latest) and it's still working. in fact, it's been improved and scrolls smoothly. so what's up with the reports that it was removed? is it a bug?

jackofall 1 month ago

Yeah, I've heard that a few sites' marquees have stopped functioning, and going to their site showed that, but the ones on my site are functional and smoother than before. I heard the reports a while before that newest update, and viewing the sites on that newest update shows that they are fixed, so it's probably a bug from the last update.

slaid 1 month ago

mine are a thousand times smoother than before. In fact my entire site is smoother. idk what happened

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CreatedFeb 16, 2020
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