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94673 was updated.
10 hours ago
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94673 10 hours ago

three new dreams! the first two were from when I had a fever earlier this week so they're extra fun (in my opinion). The third one is just kind of sad

should I make a page where I can show off the drawings I get on strawpage? that could be cute idk
2 likes <- send anons in here
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94673 6 days ago

just received the absolute cutest drawing, thank you..

1 like
94673 was updated.
1 week ago
when do you think part 2 of the story will come out?
1 like
94673 1 week ago

Well I’ve done a few of the drawings for it already, basically just depends on when I have time now. Busy rn with stuff like Artfight

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tsubakiroom 1 week ago

you're doing artfight too?! what's your @??

94673 was updated.
1 week ago
94673 was updated.
1 week ago
94673 was updated.
2 weeks ago
94673 was updated.
2 weeks ago
94673 was updated.
3 weeks ago

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Last updated 9 hours ago
CreatedJan 27, 2020
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personal diary writing story 94673