NeoCities Neighborhood Directory

3,878 updates
0 tips
I'm assuming you want this to part of your main site now so I updated the profile link to it.
Alright, I think I got everyone added. Be aware: your site can only be in one neighborhood at a time, so if you requested more than one neighborhood, you were added to to the last neighborhood you submitted to. Also a couple of sites didn't exist anymore that were submitted, so they weren't added. Thanks everyeone.
I've resubmitted my site as I'm integrating it with my main site so the URL is changing. Hopefully it can be updated and isn't an issue. Thanks!
1 like
neo-neighborhoods 1 week ago

I updated your listing

I was able get you updated tonight.
1 like
Your listing was updated. thanks.
1 like
Hello, if possible could you change my button, my new button is on my homepage
neo-neighborhoods 5 months ago

Re submit your site with your link information for the new button and your site url and your current neighborhood thanks

1 like
Site update completed. Thanks for your patience.
zazilicious 5 months ago

Thank you for the work! I appreciate the service of managing the neocities neighborhoods, I understand it is a substantial effort <3

jaggiescrapper 5 months ago

how do I join your elite list? Ive successfully joined once but ultimately, my button was removed. I tried joining two more times but to no avail. in the end, I gave up. maybe my site is not qualified

1 like
neo-neighborhoods 5 months ago

the list is not elite. you merely have to submit the email form for the neighborhood you want to join.

1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 19, 2019
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neocities homepages neighborhoods