Welp, I haven't update in a while (and I'm quite bummed out by that but I just don't have the time :'( ) but since I still get people asking for a dress up game tutorial and I do ant more dress up games in the world, I made a small example + commented code on my google drive (linked at the bottom of the page).
It's not a perfect tutorial but feel free to reuse that base to make your on game ! (And maybe one day, I'll make a proper tuto).
Does it shows that my "w" key is having a difficult time ? Anyway, *want more *own game
thank you!! my birthday is actually tomorrow (27th) hehe! but i am having a lovely time today and plan to have a lovely time tomorrow ^^ thank you for your kind words! i adore your website as well :D
Usually, I look up either the name of an artist I like or something along the line of "vintage [thing I need]". I hope this help ♡
Congratulations on 100k views! I hope you're having lots of fun in your creative endeavors! 💖
@ladyofthesea Thank you ♡♡♡ I am having fun ! I wish I had more hours in my day to enjoy all my hobbies from sewing to coding this website ^^
Updated the website buttons list (I need to find an easier way to find who's missing ^^')
Added a page with the writing papers I've been making for the last few years ♡