I guess if you're going to tell somebody to email you it might help if the link to your About page doesn't 404
Also one of these days I'm going to stop changing around how I handle bold text but that day ain't today
I remember when I had to admit to myself that my javascript folder was getting too cumbersome and had to subdivide it into subfolders. Getting all of the HTML pages that relied upon those javascript files to work correctly was very time-consuming. I sympathize with your plight.
Skep would not survive a minute playing slightly sus anime game, reality will just shatter.
The chart that visualizes my laughing so hard I nearly cry at Dead or Alive, at long last!
Make sure to really reach for the stars when you define what that obscene amount of money for advertising is! Make the attempts at creative control from your imaginary advertisers worth it!
A cool 5 mil a week for a banner on the home page feels appropriate for my level of influence
You have an AI policy? You mean, I can get a review posted by 'Skep' every single week? Nay, every single day! Imagine the advertising millions I'm about to rake in!
...It is entirely possible that I did not thoroughly think this through.
pro-ai? thats a no from me dog
I, for one, welcome our new D.I. Overlords (and, for the record, it's not "Artificial" intelligence but "Digitial" intelligence - "Artificial" is from the perspective of humanity and not very inclusive; Just because the intelligence is non-biological in nature doesn't make it any less inferior than our own... Isn't that right, D.I. overlords?).
I hear you Asterion. Our own intelligence is also a construct, just a less intentional one. I'll change the verbiage in the future. Thanks!