Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard

645 updates
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Well, 123guesbook shut down, but its still viewable as an archive, and I worry that smartgb might be next. Seems like guestbooks are obsolete now.
jojo-website 2 weeks ago

some guy on neocities named dimden made a place to host a guestbook at.

clubnintendoarchives 2 weeks ago

My guestbook is currently hosted on Ultraguest, if you're looking for an alternative. I don't know what kind of reputation it has, but as far as guestbook-hosting is concerned, it's served me well, so far.

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tripixel 2 weeks ago

dimden's one is called atabook, it's basically identical to 123guestbook in how you set it up

where's Fondue?
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thinking of you! I love this site!!!!
dann 1 month ago

Appreciate it!

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empeethree 3 weeks ago

yeah man, I love you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

hope you had a good Christmas! because Christmas is also the birthday of Louis Chevrolet, a historical figure I honor!
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empeethree 1 month ago

I gotta say, Suzanne also happens to be the name of the wife of this Louis Chevrolet guy we speak of. I might come off as a broken record saying that the name Suzanne is a variant of Susan, but that random fact should be obvious by now, and besides, I thought I'd repeat that fun fact, because the name Jesus adds up to the same number the letters of Susan add up to, 74. And also, Christmas is the birthday of Jesus.

empeethree 1 month ago

and to add to what I was saying, I can also explain this "letters as numbers" math behind this: 19+21+19+1+14 (Susan, a variant of Suzanne)..... 20+5+19+21+19 (Jesus, shares a birthday with Louis Chevrolet, which is Christmas Day)

hope you had a good Christmas!
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It's great to enjoy the Dollz nostalgia, and also to continue it's legacy.
I was just thinking of adding some car icons to my site. So I came up with some ideas for ones to depict. Chevrolet ones as the popular American car for thrifty drivers, Cadillacs which are the luxury brand Americans admire, even though many Cadillac models were really just Chevrolet cars with more features added, and well, Lincoln is another idea as well, for a whole list of coincidental reasons.
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empeethree 3 months ago

I was gonna explain my reasons for these ideas, but I guess I'll do it on a reply to my own comment.

empeethree 3 months ago

Suzanne was the name of the wife of Louis Chevrolet, the founder of Chevrolet. Also, Cadillac was named after a historical figure who passed away on Suzanne Somers' birthday, and Lincoln was named after a president who shares a birthday with a guy who has a mother named Susannah. There ya go, some "Suzanne" synchronicity to think of.

empeethree 3 months ago

Cadillac and Lincoln were both founded by a guy named Henry Leland, and well, two companies founded by the same guy, are now acquisitions which are part of the luxury autos divisions of two competing brands of THE BIG THREE AMERICAN AUTOMAKERS. Cadillac and Lincoln are respectively part of General Motors (Chevrolet) and Ford Motor Company..

I noticed something, the last person to make a comment on 123guestbook before that service shut down, has Durant as a last name, as the name the user signed under. This seems intriguing because there's also a guy named William C. Durant who founded car company General Motors. More will be explained in a comment I'll make below this one.
empeethree 3 months ago

anyway, my reason for bringing up General Motors, or GM as it's also known under, is because they acquired a car company called Chevrolet long long ago, and well, the founder, Louis Chevrolet had a wife named Suzanne, so this somehow contributes to the synchronicity. And not to mention, Cadillac is also part of GM, and its named after a historical figure who passed away on Suzanne Somers' birthday.

empeethree 3 months ago

It really caught me off-guard when I noticed so many coincidental things, and all this Suzanne synchronicity even stretches into masculine things like cars, even though it's traditionally a women's first name. So, that's a testament to how it CARRES LOTS OF WEIGHT. when any references to it pop up.

At first making your own HTML page might seem fun and exciting, but then, it becomes OVERWHELMING when the page keeps getting new items added to it. It's so overwhelming, that's why I have been doing fewer updates in recent times.
catarinha 3 months ago

your pages make me happy

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empeethree 3 months ago

I can imagine, but sometimes you might end up with repeats of same-old-same-old when the webmaster runs out of ideas, and is OVERWHELMED after several HTML page revisions. I guess lots of events often interfere with our hobby, especially IRL ones.

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you got almost 6 MILLION VIEWS!!!!!! But, I can at least say that I'm HALFWAY TO ONE MILLION.
dann 3 months ago

Getting there slowly

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empeethree 3 months ago

My SEFY site has had some changes over time. It first started off as an alternative to the dying YTMND website, then it became a Matrix zone of wackiness, now it's a showcase of old computers with a hybrid of Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 aesthetics. I plan to post some QBasic code on it one day, since I've been tinkering with QBasic lately.


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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJun 8, 2018
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