...with strawberry gashes all over...

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strawberry-gashes 1 week ago

sigh i don't like this design too much lol

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[Grandma voice] Back in MY day offered their OWN widgets to show your last 10 played songs without needing an API key
strawberry-gashes 2 weeks ago

They also had different themes for the charts, and you could choose if you wanted to display top artists/tracks as well. It didn't quite automatically update and refreshed on a timer, but that was still more convenient IMO

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strawberry-gashes 2 weeks ago

Actually it makes me wonder how people learn about and what the point of it is without being able to show charts off-site and stuff. I never would have heard of it were it not for a chart in someone's Livejournal profile in 2004

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managed to get font changing script working seemingly at the expensive of literally no other script working at all 🙃
would anyone please do me a favor and check if the font change menu is working? 👉👈 i'm trying to give accessible font options and i'm hoping i finally got it!
sensenotsense 3 weeks ago

its working for me on firefox!

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ratteta 3 weeks ago

it works! it's pretty cool

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frutigeraeroarchive 3 weeks ago

Monaco and Consolas look the same to me for some reason, other than that it's working

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strawberry-gashes 3 weeks ago

thanks everyone! i'm so relieved!

strawberry-gashes 3 weeks ago

trying to Make a script and ripping my hair out. i'd gotten it working at one point then somehow done fucked it up 😭

i know it exists somewhere but i figured i'd ask! does anyone know where to find a script to change the font in iframe pages?
yourcreativeblog 3 weeks ago

Why do you need a script to change the font in certain pages? I just use CSS and change the class/heading or upload a font from google fonts

strawberry-gashes 3 weeks ago

@yourcreativeblog i like the aesthetic of pixel fonts, but they can be difficult to read for some folks, so i'd like to offer an option to change fonts (and sizes would be cool) for people that may benefit from it

strawberry-gashes 3 weeks ago

i can technically make one, i was just hoping someone may have done it already probably better than i can lol

i'm moving files around so basically everything is gonna break lol

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CreatedJan 11, 2020
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nostalgia webcore pixels personal cute