Automatic Llama

744 updates
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i can't find the frogss either & your turtle post was poetic
automatic-llama 3 weeks ago

Hey thank you! Your site has so much interesting stuff to explore. I've never had much of a knack for electronics, but your notes and projects have me wanting to tinker!

1 like
super cool site
automatic-llama 4 weeks ago

Hey thank you! Likewise!

nohappynonsense 1 month ago

hittin us with that 2am nictitating membranes

your art is stunning! Thanks for sharing it here.
automatic-llama 8 months ago

hey thank you so much! i really like the style and writing of your site!

1 like
nohappynonsense 8 months ago

but what if it was ghost ants?

automatic-llama 8 months ago

bro i can't even fathom that possibility rn

Your art made me giggle like a little girl and I love it very much :> thx for blessing my day with your existence
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Hello Continuum! I'm replying here to your question about the self-portrait on my About page because I know threads are easily lost on update posts. I made that picture by taking a regular photograph, reducing the resolution, and then converting it to a bitmap photo in Photoshop. When you convert to a bitmap, you can apply a pattern, in this case that pattern was simple horizontal lines.
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automatic-llama 10 months ago

The lines are meant to resemble "scan lines" and there are a few tutorials around on the web about how to get various scan line effects in Photoshop. Also, you can probably do all of this in the open-source Photoshop alternative called Gimp!

continuum 10 months ago

Thanks for getting back to me, much appreciated. I've always liked that style of portraits we see in literary magazines and some newspapers from decades ago.

continuum 10 months ago

Hello Har, how did you make your self-portrait on your about page:

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continuum 10 months ago

I mean is it made by hand or generated with a software program. Very cool.

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automatic-llama 10 months ago

(Answered on continuum's profile page. Go there for the dramatic reply!)

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I really enjoy the art work and layout of your website.
1 like
automatic-llama 10 months ago

hey thank you! likewise! your site's easy to navigate and interesting to read.


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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedSep 6, 2019
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art design development comics drawing