Occasionally, content

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nohappynonsense 7 months ago

how can we shove a letter in that ol' postbox?

mikegrindle 7 months ago

but do we shove a letter in or wait for one to appear? So many questions.

I just saw your gallery, and I really love your ideas about linework. I'm not an artist, but I think you've got the right idea. Your style reminds me of Nagabe, who similarly portrays a lot with no colour and line only. I think you'd like The Vision of Escaflowne a lot, if you haven't already seen it. Great stuff!!
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rhzartist 7 months ago

awh, thank you! this means a lot.

I keep getting "Secure connection failed" on all neocities sites. Is something going on?
owlroost 7 months ago

Not an issue on my end; might be that your browser has some TLS weirdness going on for Have you tried closing and reopening your browser?

lint 7 months ago

Seems like neocities SEA server have problem

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nohappynonsense 8 months ago

something something, let's make our own memefactory social media

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773tk 8 months ago

internet is serious business

pixelglade 8 months ago

I have been poking around on Indieweb recently too and it's very technical. Maybe I have low standards for groups but I don't think memes are necessary, there's enough of them on the broader web / social media sites / circulating in private discords. Sure, a bit of extra humor might go a way to attracting members but if the core isn't right, memes aren't going to make me stick around.

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ghostscape 8 months ago

immediately adding a meme hoard to the to do list for my site

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murid 8 months ago

My opinion on the Indieweb movement is that it's way too technical. But there really aren't many avenues for less tech savvy people to set up websites. I don't think I would have had the time to learn all the html and css I needed to make this barely functional site if not for the pandemic.

letslearntogether 8 months ago

That last paragraph is pure poetry. "Like a Devonian sea creature that had just evolved jaws." Hahaha! As for the type, I imagine that they are just shore crabs no?

murid 8 months ago

Those crabs aren't found in my part of the world. The mystery continues...

letslearntogether 8 months ago

Hmmm...the Pacific equivalent might be a species of Hemigrapsus, like or ...But I'm not sure, so I will keep looking...

hi, thanks for the follow! love your writing, so funny (your about me... your gundam list... your harry potter page... tbh, pretty impressive how much you got right) -- looking forward to your (occasional) content
murid 9 months ago

Thanks. I like your writing too and I'm looking forward to going through your website. Though I'm a bit disappointed that your "Centring text" is not a guide on how to center text in css. I can never remember how to do that properly.

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sorbier 9 months ago

LOL! i will write a blog post about literally centring text. can i mention you in the post?

murid 9 months ago

Yeah, sure go ahead.

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lhfm 9 months ago

You've made the modern human condition sound so metal haha

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ig it's not necessarily the aim, but I like your site layout, especially the gallery! more to the point I enjoy your writing, and love the pushback I'm seeing (from you and more generally) to an internet presence having to constantly produce "content"
murid 9 months ago

Thanks for the complement. I really need to update that gallery with newer art someday.

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedApr 11, 2021
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