Paddy Agius

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Paddy Agius was updated.
3 weeks ago
Paddy Agius was updated.
1 month ago
Paddy Agius was updated.
1 month ago
Paddy Agius was updated.
1 month ago
i appreciate your website, you are a much better writer than me
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paddyagius 1 month ago

Thanks so much! I work unreasonably hard on making sure I can be as good as I can, as an untrained and uneducated worker my technical ability is very important to me and writing is the only outlet in my life where I can apply what approaches monomaniacal revolutionary discipline.

mental-labour 1 month ago

huh that's interesting, from your writing i would've expected you to be a trained academic, which is to your credit as a writer i guess haha

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Paddy Agius was updated.
1 month ago
Paddy Agius was updated.
1 month ago
Paddy Agius was updated.
2 months ago
Paddy Agius was updated.
2 months ago

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJan 3, 2021
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