The Renaissance Man, Revisited

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What a treat to get to catch up on so many of your muse-response poems at once! My favorite is the Dali one, I think, just incredible to start & end with sand-rice and to imagine the trees leaning in to you like you're a sun and they want to understand and also to live. But the gooey cozy sleep-cocoon one is also SUCH a good description of that heavy lazy slumber.
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tehuan 1 year ago

oh my goodness you’re so sweet !! thank you so so much πŸ’— this means the world !

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I've loved all of the prompts, but I've been swamped all month! Finished up and posted the piece I started for the feb(!!) echo prompt, hopefully freeing myself from the "oh god i can't read anyone else's before I write my version what if i can never have an original idea" cycle. Looking forward to catching up on folks' writings!
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owlroost 1 year ago

Hey, if it's any comfort, I read other people's pieces all the time before writing my own. It prompts me to think about the prompt in new ways, which gives me a more original idea than what I started with!

percevalprintpress 1 year ago

Just read your prompt for this week - loved it especially the last few lines!

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kph 1 year ago


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I LOVE your poem for the Muse Ariadne prompt last week. It paints such a fantastical yet grounded scene, and I love that I'm now imagining a bus driving confidently off of a seaside cliff and turning into mist or perhaps a bird. I also relate deeply to the "names I'd go by if I was cooler" list, and I love your layout in general.
juneish 1 year ago

thank you so much and likewise! i loved the language in office doorβ€”and a repeatedly crossed threshold/moving through but never moving is a great interpretation of the prompt

owlroost 1 year ago

The snark graveyard is brilliant!

mikegrindle 1 year ago

I'd like to second Owlroost - Snark Gravard is fantastic. Just a brilliant title too.

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kph 1 year ago

Thanks, Mike & Owl! I've already made another document for new snippets, so maybe in about two years it'll have a sequel haha. I'm glad to hear you like these patchwork-written poems, I really have fun doing them, but the process of collecting enough brain-floatsam for them takes a loooooooooong time.

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saddleblasters 1 year ago

I enjoyed your office door poem. This abstract geometry you describe that somehow is also endowed with a salivating mouth and tongue, makes me think of what I always imagined Chinese "door gods" as when I first read about them, though traditionally they're usually just depicted as normalish-looking human beings.

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Really enjoyed reading your piece for the muse ariadne club preshow. Poetry IS about showing your face without showing your face, you're so right for that. Love Messy Sand & Two Dogs, especially with the photo.
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alicebluef0f8ff 1 year ago

thank you so much for your kind words, i really really appreciate it <3

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Okay, wow, gonna need to find time to go through the backlog of your essays. For now, I love the observation that the theory and practice of writing are basically touching. And the idea of gleeful misinterpretation of the masters being beautiful as long as it's meaningful to you in the moment. I relate a lot to your 2023 letter, too, especially the bits about fearing rigidity at the heart of organizational systems.
kph 1 year ago

May we all get weirder and more sharply ourselves in 2024.

saddleblasters 1 year ago

Thanks for the comment and sorry for my late reply! I feel like my whole experience engaging in art and literature has consisted of nothing but misinterpretation. This isn't exactly gleeful, as I'd like to eventually at least be aware of what others consider to be the "correct" interpretations. It's hard for me to avoid misinterpretation though, so I'm resigned to embracing it.

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Catching up on poems after being busy for a while. "Open" is *such* a good encapsulation of that feeling, and I love the sounds in it. Very clattery poem. Very stiff. Wondering if final notes on a symphony is TMA-inspired or if it's just in the air these days. Enjoying seeing all the enthused pen-talk, too, as an outsider. :p
owlroost 1 year ago

As much as I love TMA, that wasn't inspired by it. :P I just wanted to write about music and went feeling about for interesting comparisons.

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