Bug Creature

2,194 updates
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my blog links got messed up bear with me. i need a better solution to how i have my blog nav
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Bug Creature was updated.
2 days ago
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Please remove your link to my website in your links page, i cannot condone someone who participated in an online harrassment campaign that led to another person´s death. Seriously how do you live with yourself?
coolpine 6 months ago

what happened?

yo jsyk you have a couple broken images in the header of your bugs page
1 like
bugcreature 12 months ago

Thats really good to know thank you- I have to completely redo that page anyways. It was one of the first pages I coded and I can do better now

Bug Creature was updated.
1 year ago
Bug Creature was updated.
1 year ago
Bug Creature was updated.
1 year ago
Bug Creature was updated.
1 year ago
Bug Creature was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
Bug Creature was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJan 25, 2022
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