As nostalgic quasi-pastiche, Faith is pretty clever; as overreferential satire, it exhausts one's patience pretty quickly. I like it, but it's akin to one of those well-crafted yet deeply flawed horrors from talented young guys in Fessenden's circle that doesn't quite hit the mark. I didn't play the third chapter, but I might eventually.
From what I've seen, the puzzles in and anachrony of Mouthwashing look really neat, but there's no way that I'm going to read that much inane dialog or look at those shitty character designs for more than a few minutes. It won't happen! `____`
I love Time Gal. Would that the Dirty Pair games played and felt like it; a VG adaptation of contemporaneous Project Eden would've been great. As usual, that 90% of Japanese who'll buy and play Hookah Haze never consider most westmost objections to its conventions or superficialities for one moment is really, really, really, really, really, really, really funny
I've collected many good, cheesy SDL-based clones of great, cheesier Win3 games. Jewel Thief is one among maybe a dozen that still deserves an improved clone.* Clock Tower is really fun; I chanced on its ROM a few years ago and I was very impressed. For fans of Argento's flicks in the '80s and their Japanese pastiches (Evil Dead Trap, Sweet Home, etc.). it's esp. enjoyable.
You probably know better than I how so many fascinating little games for the PC-98 are floating about online....!
No small nostalgia from the early through mid-'90s is associated with F-Zero, which I played exhaustively alone and with friends, though never esp. well. Thanks for reminding me of Psychedelia and Hangovers, which I should finally sample....
Ah, Night Life XD