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You stand in the entrance to the ship, squinting in the momentary dimness before the walls appear to swell and glow in apparent sync with your own pulse, which gradually slows to a calming rhythm. Looking onwards, a complex labyrinth extends beyond. Lightly wrenching your foot free from the viscous fluid coating the floor, you journey on. Universe be with U.
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Yo wait, what happened to federiefederi? I used to follow them.
This site's 1 year anniversary is coming up! I wonder if I should do something special....
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Does anyone here know what happened to Catbox? I just found out that a lot of the decorative pngs on my site have gone missing. I checked the site and it seems to be down. Litterbox is still up, though...
ultra-tetra 1 week ago

Update: Everything is back to normal now, and Catbox is back online! Looks like it just when down for maintainence is all

I have the urge to write more freaky dead dove fanfics but I don't have the time rn ahhhhhhhhh

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMay 21, 2023
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art comics lgbt nsfw writing