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1,083 updates
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surenaga 2 days ago

I like how this image came out so much that I had to put it up on my webpage before the article is finished (it'll take a while).

surenaga 2 days ago

Gotta love Cody. American Nightmare, baby!

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surenaga 4 days ago

I was meant to add this last year but I was unhappily busy then. Things have gotten happily busy now, but I couldn't forgive myself if I missed this a second year in a row. WE'VE GOT DENNIS BERGKAMP

surenaga 1 month ago

*frantic jedi jazz hands* I said the Hanon progress log page would be up to date before the page was one year old.

Is neocities taking its time to load for anyone else? Webpages load quickly enough, but neocities proper is taking its while in the past couple of days for me.
lhfm 1 month ago

No issues on my side

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surenaga 1 month ago

Slowdowns persist on my end...

murid 1 month ago

It could barely load yesterday for me, but it seems better today.

surenaga 1 month ago

It featured the right page this time!

surenaga 1 month ago

After all these years, I finally managed to (barely) realize what in heavens made today's featured YTMND get exiled to no-no land... I thought it was a dog eating dog food beneath garbage...

surenaga 2 months ago

I honestly don't understand the rules for page featuring when updating, so I'll steal the illutrious hardmachine's idea -- this is the page I updated:

otaking 2 months ago

page you updated last should come on top i think

surenaga 3 months ago

Celebrating 1003 updates to -- very confused but still full of joy.

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surenaga 3 months ago

I still remember when the kind a-rok taught me how to get the page I wanted to be featured front and center on my updates. My follower count was in the single digits, page views below 3000 and update count in the dozens. Now the rules have been turned upside down. How far we've come.

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surenaga 4 months ago

This was supposed to be a videogames entry but it went in a hyperjaded direction so I made it into a Social media entry instead. It's been three years since I started this webpage, so I might as well finally add something to that section... I didn't even have a folder for it in my webpage edit tools yet.

surenaga 4 months ago

That makes it 2 negative toned entries in a row. Next it's gonna be reviews of anime I actually like.

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surenaga 5 months ago

Strong words from someone entertained by "Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata" (it's got Atsuko Tanaka AKA Kusanagi and the very underrated Ayaka Nanase so it's at least good for your ears)

lhfm 5 months ago

Aww, I thought this would talk more about how Trigger shows have similar themes and events happen despite being technically different stories.

surenaga 4 months ago

@lhfm in my view it's not worth the trouble when others already have done it and I don't need to dig that deep to determine this animated TV show's worth.

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CreatedDec 24, 2020
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