You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
- Site will no longer see your site in searches.
- Site will not be able to comment on your site profile.
- Any comments this site has posted to your profile will not be displayed.
Are you sure you want to do this?
also I’m working on stuff for meowcorp atm but life is chewing my time up, sorry for the absence
this is happening to other neocities users as well
Didn't this just happen to omnipresence too?
Hey, this is happening to me as well, several accounts too. Do you mind sending me info about these accounts? I'd like to figure out who-all this is affecting, maybe trace it to someone/thing. Also, I'd also check for your name/works, seems like a lot of weird bots/accounts using neocities profiles for scam coins.
@omnipresence most I’ve found impersonating neocities users on x could be searched with just their site name, and had suffixes like -term or -display. I’ve added a simple alert function in my index page about the scam stuff just as a disclaimer
To make things more creepy, I searched buryevil on and there's a ton of results. Many of them are using the text from *my website* for the descriptions though...