Mike Grindle's Webpage

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Hey, thanks for the follow. Love the simplicity of your site so far, and the shorts.txt page. Look forward to seeing how it develops.
mikegrindle 1 day ago

New post where I talk for a good long while about a £1 album I didn't really like. It's riveting stuff:

arkmsworld 3 days ago

"punks and metalheads are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet" Yep. :)

mikegrindle 3 days ago

hell yeah :-)

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arkmsworld 1 week ago

Tinarina ftw :)

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This space is indeed incredible
vangoggles 1 week ago

thank you so much!!

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nohappynonsense 2 weeks ago

Yesterday I hemmed and hawed inside my local thrift store for nearly 20 minutes deciding if I should buy the Season 1 and Season 2 box sets of The Simpsons on DVD. They were priced at $5 each; if I had UK prices I'd probably have an entire collection of DVDs already.

mikegrindle 2 weeks ago

I haven't seen any Simpsons yet, but I did find a boxset containing two seasons of The Office (the UK version) for effectively 10p. So, it's theoretically possible that you could get the entire golden era of the Simpsons for like a quid if you were super lucky.

nohappynonsense 2 weeks ago

Okay but what is a quid, some kind of bird or something?

sorbier 2 weeks ago

"I'll also spare you a lecture on why I dislike the current state of streaming." what? noooooooooooo

mikegrindle 2 weeks ago

@nohappynonsense it’s a pound sterling (‘init, bruv?’)

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mikegrindle 2 weeks ago

@sorbier maybe another time when I feel like having a good moan

colexdev 2 weeks ago

I agree with sorbier. I would love to hear your thoughts on that! I have been doing some thinking about "real things" (physical things) recently too, and the pros and cons. As I am with you, streaming can suck :(

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vegacollective 1 week ago

There can be something tactile about physical media, especially things like vinyl. But in an ecosystem where anything could be pulled from a streaming library there is a comfort in being able to hold any physical object that cannot be taken away and potentially even added to a collection of media that can be held in esteem rather than immediately discarded.

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heya, i remember you posted something about robots.txt earlier -- that's mostly a convention with no guarantee anyone on the web will follow it. you can request x-bot not to crawl your site but they still can if they want to.
sorbier 3 weeks ago

i'm sure you already know! but i just wanted to leave the note! openai seems to be ignoring it for example:

colexdev 3 weeks ago

Yeah it is very unfortunate that they will not follow it. I know this doesn't apply to neocities, but for people that host their own sites I recently heard cloudflare released a feature to block AI bots.

mikegrindle 2 weeks ago

Absolutely, all the robots file does is state that you do not consent - whether companies listen to that (often, they don't) is another matter. I think it's worth doing, but I didn't mean to create a false sense of security.

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I don't know if I've explicitly told you before, so I'll say it now: your writing is damn good Mr V. Enjoyed the new story too
nohappynonsense 3 weeks ago

Hey Grindy - thanks for that. It means a lot, especially coming from you.

nohappynonsense 3 weeks ago

Your writing is more than just good (it is good though, let's be clear,) but it's also useful in a way that I find extremely meaningful. I was thinking how to sum up your mix of tech, creativity, slow lifestyle writing and the best thing I've come up with so far is "Quietly Important."

nohappynonsense 3 weeks ago

These topics aren't these large scope things that a lot of writers cover off with platitudes and lots of evergreen nonsense about living a more meaningful life; your writing is the antithesis to that. Small and actionable things that make slow but long-lasting change in the way one thinks and acts.

nohappynonsense 3 weeks ago

Your "can your site fit on a floppy" article made me re-think my entire site design and ultimately made me into a better dev when I pushed myself to lower my site size as radically as possible without losing functionality. So, thank you, Grinds. Your work is quietly important, at least to me.

mikegrindle 2 weeks ago

"Quietly important" has to be nicest genuine thing someone has said about my writing. Really appreciate that coming from you.

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nohappynonsense 1 month ago

Mr. Grindy plz slow down, I can only read so fast

mikegrindle 1 month ago

Hey now, I gave it a whole 5 days

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ratshack 1 month ago

This sounds great, I’ve always wanted them to make something like a “worst portrait artist of the year” tv series…

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colexdev 4 weeks ago

You are on a roll man. Keep it up!

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