oh these are really neat, apart from simple eating them I sometimes love kind of "chewing" them by crushing them between the tongue and the palate
same, are these widespread over there? for us corn puffs are like a cultural staple, but our most common variant is salty/savoury
they used to have a cute comic strip on them but the archive on their website doesn't seem to work properly. i found this cute article on them instead (which translates quite well https://utopiabalcanica-net.translate.goog/2020/12/30/adio-desenele-de-pe-pufuleti-in-care-au-aparut-wiz-khalifa-si-mahomed/?_x_tr_sl=ro&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp)
for more understanding please consult the graph --> https://www.tumblr.com/atomic-archivist/770549448729362432
advent calendar days 18 and 19 cos i forgot yesterday, day 19 is more interesting though https://freckleskies.neocities.org/files/advent/2024/day19
not sure if I ever saw anyone eating a snickers with a fork, not sure I will ever see such an Occurence again
few things going on, lots of tiny changes to many pages, but primarily your usual diary update in a brand new diary https://freckleskies.neocities.org/logs/diary/2025/
please hard refresh because i just saw the new diary page with the cached diary stylesheet and, while funny, it does not quite represent the changes i'm excited about