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- You will no longer see this site in searches.
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Are you sure you want to do this?
something something, let's make our own memefactory social media
internet is serious business
I have been poking around on Indieweb recently too and it's very technical. Maybe I have low standards for groups but I don't think memes are necessary, there's enough of them on the broader web / social media sites / circulating in private discords. Sure, a bit of extra humor might go a way to attracting members but if the core isn't right, memes aren't going to make me stick around.
immediately adding a meme hoard to the to do list for my site
My opinion on the Indieweb movement is that it's way too technical. But there really aren't many avenues for less tech savvy people to set up websites. I don't think I would have had the time to learn all the html and css I needed to make this barely functional site if not for the pandemic.