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i get sent emails telling me to worry about going tot hell when i really should be worried about going to fucking jail
I fucking love graffiti send some pics of ur tags
@aforest next time im at a friend's place or doing stuff in my sketchbook i'll post it but street stuff is always going to be offline because i've seen people have that used against them legally on social media
im not even super great at trad graffitti tbh i just draw whatever i want in places i shouldnt
OMG U DO GRAFFITI? What's your local scene like, I'm curious cuz mine is virtually ded
@yumekawahanachi it's majorly popular here it ranges because we have professional graffiti artists that have formal careers and are even paid to do pieces and exhibit, some people are just average people with a tag and an adrenaline problem, and theres a lot of room in between
i once tagged 3 entire train cars (shipping some sort of oil like substance) many many penises were drawn