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yardonthirdstreet 1 year ago

thank you for this entry. resonated a lot

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lostletters 1 year ago

Totally resonated with me too. Sometimes it feels like I’m going to be the last one wearing a mask, still trying to give a damn at the end of the world.

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lhfm 1 year ago

Keep up the good work!

charliedarling 1 year ago

love this sm

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surenaga 1 year ago

Congrats on two years. If you're not part of the audience you're writing for, you're doing something wrong. It's a good sign that you enjoy reading your own writing.

bloktic 1 year ago

Heyo, congrats on the two years!

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rini 1 year ago

Happy belated site anniversary. I like the parody index page. Hope you'll be around for a long time.

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773tk 1 year ago

have enjoyed and been inspired by your work and site a lot. happy anniversary

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letslearntogether 1 year ago

Dedication to the constructive, especially through difficult periods where it seems futile or slow-going, is a sign of maturity. May those seemingly fragmented desires congeal into a laser-like focus that helps you to achieve your dreams.

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lhfm 1 year ago

Kids have it good these days with well-seeded torrents and dozens of pirate anime streaming sites, and the legit options aren't too terrible either. Though it's a shame simulcasts killed off fansubs which often had a lot of heart and soul put into them.

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murid 1 year ago

Subs these days are terrible. They all look like Netflix's minimum effort subs. Fansubs were a real art form that I hope comes back one day, they looked so good and were so readable.

owlroost 1 year ago

I feel you on bookbinding mistakes. I make them more often than not, honestly- it's part of the charm. To save you one of mine: cardstock is not a strong enough cover for a book you want to keep in your pocket. I was trying to make a mini composition book and that crumpled very quickly.

murid 1 year ago

I used to bind sketchbooks with cardstock, but they weren't really pocket carries. Even then they were pretty worn out by the time I got to the end of them.

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owlroost 1 year ago

I usually use chipboard covered by fabric for larger bindings nowadays! Keep meaning to experiment with wood. Still struggling to find a good cover material for pocket books though since it needs to be thin and sturdy, and those traits don't often come together.

murid 1 year ago

I'm at the stage where I'm still experimenting with making good bookcloth. So far my last couple of batches haven't been up to standard, so at most I use them for spines. Still need to get the basics right before I start to think about long term durability.

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