Occasionally, content

1,954 updates
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murid 4 months ago

I have launched my newly designed Neocities-core index page

lhfm 4 months ago

Perfection! 😆

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lostletters 5 months ago

Having recently gone on leave from work myself, I relate to this so much. I push pressure on myself to emerge from leave stronger, smarter, etc, but in the end, I just emerged well-rested and that was enough.

murid 4 months ago

Glad you had a good rest, I just caught up on your blog. Belated congratulations on the wedding!

lostletters 4 months ago

thank you so much <3

ziggybeeps 5 months ago

Happy new year, I don't think I've caught your updates since it started. I definitely support the 3D printing idea; I did that recently with some more expensive units in my 40k army.

letslearntogether 6 months ago

Thankfully, I did not get covid, but I did get a pretty bad flu. I should follow your protocol. I hope this coming year is filled with more joy and less ennui for you. Your writings and drawings are much appreciated...Buff shrimp men for the win! 🦐

1 like
Hello! I don't have anything new to add that hasn't already been said, but your art is wonderful and I wanted to thank you for making this site. Keep up the good work and please take care.
To be honest, this is OCCASIONALLY a very PROFESSIONAL website.
murid 7 months ago

If that's the case my intentions to create an unprofessional website have failed.

surenaga 7 months ago

Sounds like you wish you had a flying 「Death Machine」

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murid 7 months ago

No. That sounds so much worse. I just want to walk to work.

metamorphosis 7 months ago

I almost got killed by one of those "Death Machines". It was years ago, and I never been so close to death at any other point in my life. I am just glad that "Death Machine" at least comes with lots of safety features nowadays.

I was drawn in by the snarky index page and then clicked the muscle shrimp and found that really enjoyed reading your thoughts! I love your site and all the artwork <3
murid 8 months ago

The index page has been a joke that I left up for too long. I have a new index page that sits unfinished in a folder somewhere. Going to get back on it when I get through all my current distractions.

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metamorphosis 9 months ago

The world is a hell for sensitive hearts for sure.

1 like
lhfm 9 months ago

Just like Homo Economicus, the idea people have of what makes a person "normal" is bizzare in reality haha


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CreatedApr 11, 2021
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