The Bone Folder

857 updates
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I enjoyed your page about polar expeditions. I got mildly obsessed with the Franklin expedition earlier this year. The fact that so many people died, and that it took so long for them to die, sets it apart from a lot of other similar disasters.
bondiaries 1 week ago

it really is such a phenomena! my favorite thing about it is that it touches so many lives still today in so many ways, even though people don't realize it. i am glad you enjoyed my unfinished page lol!!

1 like
Complete site redesign! I've been working on this on and off since April and I'm very excited to have it go live. I designed the site from scratch and every line of code was written by me. I haven't added much new content yet, but will be soon.
myrrh 1 month ago

it looks really nice !

pixelglade 1 month ago

Love it! Also kudos for making it responsive.

emilynhoward 1 month ago

Thank you! Yes, I was very pleased with myself for figuring out how to make it responsive!

1 like
sorbier 1 month ago

it looks great! congratulations (: looking forward to the new content too

Hi all, big news (well, for me anyway.) I finally got this site hosted on its own domain. You can see it at Thanks to my partner, without whom I would have a really hard navigating this web hosting stuff. I plan to still publish a mirror site on Neocities but haven't set that up yet. AND I'm working on a complete site redesign that's 100% coded by me, rather than from a template.
Your Website has a beautiful aesthetic. Its a delight to look through
1 like
emilynhoward 3 months ago

Thank you. :)

Gave the same flexbox treatment to the Writing and Links pages. I also added a lot of links! It now contains everyone I follow on Neocities. I am beginning to think seriously about redesigning this site although I don't know what it will look like yet. If all goes to plan, it will soon be hosted on my own server and I will use Github to push a mirror site to Neocities.
It means a lot to me that you read Adjusts Itself to Midnight. I told myself that if I touch one person with it, that will be enough. Mission accomplished. :)
sneekrealm 3 months ago


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Thank you for your compliment! ^.^

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 4, 2024
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