Around the pupil | Iris' home on the web

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I just learned that you can generate an automatic RSS feed for each site: WTF. How is this not more advertised? xDDDDDD
Does anybody know something like millionshort for youtube? Like, filter out any channel with more than x subscribers, so that I can pay attention only to the passion content made for free
I adore your website. Is so cozy and so nice. I think I'm going to copy your idea for a reading list, having the extracts from books on the bottom is so cool!
yardonthirdstreet 5 months ago

thank you for writing! glad you're making part of it your own too

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aroundthepupil 6 months ago

On the new link section I got some collapsible lists... with only CSS! It's so cool, I would have never guessed that it was so relatively easy (although pretty kludgy)

pastry 6 months ago

your YouTube post! wow your mind!! I've long opposed the "pivot to video" and you added some new arguments

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aroundthepupil 6 months ago

Thank you pastry!

I'm super proud of the animated svg in the background. I have written it by hand, I didn't knew it was possible xD
geouniversal 7 months ago

ive been playong with svg for a while now buyhavent made my own shapes and animations! this is great and inspiring, im proud too!

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aroundthepupil 7 months ago

I'm happy to have inspired you a little ^_^ I mean, your page is awesome! And you have kinda reminded me that I really need more content, and not just cool design xD

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJul 29, 2016
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