Occasionally, content

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Hello! I don't have anything new to add that hasn't already been said, but your art is wonderful and I wanted to thank you for making this site. Keep up the good work and please take care.
To be honest, this is OCCASIONALLY a very PROFESSIONAL website.
murid 1 year ago

If that's the case my intentions to create an unprofessional website have failed.

surenaga 1 year ago

Sounds like you wish you had a flying 「Death Machine」

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murid 1 year ago

No. That sounds so much worse. I just want to walk to work.

metamorphosis 1 year ago

I almost got killed by one of those "Death Machines". It was years ago, and I never been so close to death at any other point in my life. I am just glad that "Death Machine" at least comes with lots of safety features nowadays.

I was drawn in by the snarky index page and then clicked the muscle shrimp and found that really enjoyed reading your thoughts! I love your site and all the artwork <3
murid 1 year ago

The index page has been a joke that I left up for too long. I have a new index page that sits unfinished in a folder somewhere. Going to get back on it when I get through all my current distractions.

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metamorphosis 1 year ago

The world is a hell for sensitive hearts for sure.

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lhfm 1 year ago

Just like Homo Economicus, the idea people have of what makes a person "normal" is bizzare in reality haha

lukajk 1 year ago

well it does say occasional right in the name

murid 1 year ago

I'll rebrand as "Constant content" once I get my act together.

ugly74rg37 1 year ago

Don't fret about the audience.

lhfm 1 year ago

I don't make AI art (yet?) because my GPU sucks and I don't want to alienate any artist acquaintances, but there's a lot more to AI art than what you describe here. There's inpainting & img2img that let people use more than just words to make art, and it's totally possible to make art that doesn't have many obvious tells (check out civit), it's just people are too lazy to go that deep and want a quick pretty image.

doxylamine 1 year ago

the ethical issues with ai art have been the main focus of the discourse from what i've seen. and those ethical issues, which are complex and manifold, are not going away any time soon. but even setting that aside, i still don't understand WHY ai should have any place in art. i don't understand what problem it solves, other than the kind of "problem" only a capitalist autocrat would consider as such.

773tk 1 year ago

the dada movement figured out that being conventionally aesthetically appealing did not make your art substantive or worthy of respect 100 years ago. the self-shame and need to hide that they generated it really does give insight into how the creators really feel.

paintkiller 1 year ago

I still like to look at pieces generated by someone who knows how to use prompts - there aren't very many of those types of people - but I am *entirely* over AI art after jumping in head first when it landed. I concur with most of your estimations and predictions.

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murid 1 year ago

@lhfm I'll admit this is a view of someone looking in from the outside. I've seen some interfaces that are not prompt based interfaces, which are really cool and would be useful to artists (which have been mostly alienated). But from what I've seen the prevailing paradigm is mostly word based interfaces.

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robophobia 1 year ago

@doxylamine, I feel you have a great way to sum up the general feelings I have on the subject too, and to be honest, the modern AI, with the massive (I'd argue questionable) data mining fundaments it has, feels like a technology that could only really exist in the context of a society as ours so intent on commodifying information, privacy and labour.

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i like your thoughts about lies and lying. weirdly uplifting because it mirrors what i feel a lot these days. take care and thank you

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