The Circus Is In Town!

226 updates
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HELLO!! just wanted to let yall know that im currently working on updating my index page, and it's taking a bit since i'm starting from scratch.... ill have a lot more time to work on it tomorrow and over the weekend, so hopefully ill have the new index page up by then!! and the balloons will move to the homepage, i think! idk, ill figure it out, LOL
1 like
love what you've got going on with your website so far! the transparent assets really reminds me of like, old corporate websites ( like nickelodeon or cartoon network -- this is a good thing!!! ) ... it's so fun! i wish you the best going forward. :~)
fepir 1 month ago

Thank you!! That's the vibe I was going for!! <3

1 like
your website is so cool!!
fepir 1 month ago

Thank you so much!! Yours is too! It's probably silly to point out, but I love the shade of purple you chose : )

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The circus of Neocities!
1 like
help your art is so cool i'm shaking and crying and sobbing and throwing up and shitting everywhere all over your site now
funnyorangecat 1 month ago

also how on earth did you do the balloon popping thing on your index please we need a tut NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

nostalgia2004 1 month ago

yeah the site makes me absolutely shit myself like I took 500 laxatives cuz of the good art ToT

fepir 1 month ago

Yall are gonna make me cry :' ) Thank you for pissing shitting throwing up on my page <3 Also I'll fs make a tutorial!! I'll put it on my to-do list so i don't forget : )

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oh my god, that stupid little draggable thang almost drove me up a wall. brb, gonna go chew sheet metal in celebration
nostalgia2004 1 month ago

Like edible gold sheets?

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fepir 1 month ago

i wish i could chew on edible gold sheets, but sadly my wallet is empty. : p i was referencing the construction materials, but dont worry, im not actually going to chew it. like gold sheets, the dentist is way too expensive LOL

1 like
thank you for dropping the follow!!! yopur site is adorable! keep updating it <33
fepir 1 month ago

Thank you sm ❤️❤️❤️ I absolutely will!! and thank you for the follow back : )

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedFeb 24, 2024
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art personal horror blog