The web site of eveningbells

561 updates
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I love your work, keep shooting! Your most recent blog post touched a nerve. Perhaps its why people like you and I are drawn to photography in the first place, the desire to leave something behind... Your photos of Tulsa are deeply nostalgic for me, I have fond memories of driving my old Jetta down the 412 to see shows at Cains years ago... Next time you find yourself in the DMV/DC, give me a ring.
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eveningbells 11 months ago

I absolutely will! I'd love to hang with some photography peeps. I think you are absolutely right about what draws me to photography, especially analog. Having some physical representation of my experience versus a digital one appeals to me in a existential way, especially as a person who grew up with the early-ish internet.

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eveningbells 11 months ago

I have a lot of good memories at the Cain's, it warms my heart to hear others feeling the same way. Most of my first concerts were there.

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For what it's worth, your site is once again the second listing on Google when you search "block Razer Synapse"
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lhfm 1 year ago

Ha, I don't keep track constantly, but I've seen it comes and goes based on google algorithm changes.

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good job on your photos. there's a peaceful contemplative quality in the slice of life stuff.
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eveningbells 1 year ago

Thank you so much. The vibe of your site is amazing. May I ask where the text for the mouseover text comes from?

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doxylamine 1 year ago

thanks, some of the photos are of book covers and the text comes from the pages of that book. others are dvd covers and the quote is from somewhere on/in the case.

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daswagger 1 year ago

These are very impressive

hello gummi rancher eve !! i love Ur site super duper much.. Ur entries r so interesting to read. the street lights one rly tug a heartstring. how wonderful it is that we all have our own streetlight to latch onto! for me it might be, idk, cars and for you it's streetlights. it's wonderful we all attach meaning to a different thing m I can't wait to sit in bed tonight and read even more of Ur entries
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munsun 1 year ago

you're so so interesting..thank u for making this website

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eveningbells 1 year ago

Omg thank you so much! This meant a whole lot for me to hear tonight. Your site is soooo cute!! I hope you are doing well :)

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Last updated 2 hours ago
CreatedOct 31, 2021
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photography writing scifi