
3,236 updates
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niicespiice 1 day ago

idk if this entire nonfiction page is new, but i've never read it before, and i love it. i don't really read books and this stuff is very fascinating to me. you are a good writer too

digitalhumus 1 day ago

Incredible site design. In particular I like your short book review structure. Another thing that caught my attention is how you hide your e-mail from bots. Your book trade offer is an incredible idea with a spicy touch of unknown outcome feeling attached to it.

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suboptimalism 1 day ago

the nonfiction page is new, though it's been in the works for months

is the background toki pona???
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suboptimalism 2 weeks ago

it's woshite (ヲシテ) script, a kind of jindai moji (

sorbier 3 weeks ago

(but... AREN'T you into pokemon? competitively bred pokemon that is) anyway, incredible post, congratulations on pushing through the inertia

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iwillneverbehappy 3 weeks ago

the return of some 黒歴史...

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suboptimalism 3 weeks ago

no that post where i mentioned competitive pokemon was about how i quit it like 8 years ago...

I really liked reading about your trip to Hawaii and your experience at the MUJI event in Portland - I never thought that it could mean anything so deeply interesting. The photos were great too!
ophanimkei 1 month ago

You are living my dream T_T

cidoku 1 month ago

Kodomo no omocha, let's gooooo

iwillneverbehappy 1 month ago

I filled this out two months ago and I was laughing comparing your answers to what I put in. Though the fractionally-numbered questions are quite intriguing...

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iwillneverbehappy 1 month ago

I also like how you omitted the questions. Reminded me of "Brief Interviews with Hideous Men"

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suboptimalism 1 month ago

looks like somebody got the reference... for some reason all those Q.'s got stuck in my head

changed my email, there was really no reason for me to be using a service for privacy nuts and current/aspiring cybercriminals. it was cute for a while and on-brand for me how it constantly went down, only a third of my login attempts were successful, but i'm sick of it now.
suboptimalism 1 month ago

also it was even failing to send some emails properly, if they weren't being immediately incinerated upon receipt by most services for coming from such a sketchy origin. anyways, if you sent an email and never got a reply, no matter how long ago, send it again or forward it to the new address.

benjamim 1 month ago

Hi, I'm trying to deGoogle my self and protonmail has been a good alternative for the past 4 years.

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iwillneverbehappy 1 month ago

Rust Cohle is such a good character. I love how vehemently Hart reacts to his weird ramblings, just a near-violent exasperation (also I need to watch that Bad Lieutenant, I love Nick Cave movie cameos...). Happy holidays!

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daliwali 1 month ago

"time is a flat circle" "what is that, Nietzsche? shut the fck up" 😩

suboptimalism 1 month ago

oh yeah, completely forgot to mention that they have one of the wildest "odd couple" detective partner pairings ever. i think what first convinced me to watch it was seeing the clip where hart says "i just want you to stop saying odd shit" then asks "you get any sleep last night" to which rust replies "i don't sleep. i just dream". especially amusing is how hard rust carries them, despite hart's grumbling.

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saddleblasters 1 month ago

haven't seen bad lieutenant, but if you want another movie about the horror of back pain, i highly recommend tsai mingliang's "the river"

balckwell 1 month ago

you're on the roofs of the california hills, i'm inside the walls of the snow-covered prairies, but i feel like i've been having similar revelations/experiences regarding manual labour over the last few months. there is something nice about your job having material effects on Earth, even if they're relatively inconsequential and often based on the whims of rich people.


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CreatedMay 5, 2022
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