
3,301 updates
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職人の珈琲 grew on me, was surprised that it was sweetened before noticing it said 低糖 on the back. but actually the slight sweetness has been really nice! the unsweetened one was very good, you're right, it's impressive how good the coffee is for being in a can. will be looking for the PET bottle without sugar next, at your recommendation
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ophanimkei 6 days ago

(⚈_⚈) Tomoko Kuroki. There's actually context provided for how her actions are seen by others later in the manga.. She is umm.. A character for sure... The cringe of the anime was actually too much for me at times leading me to fast forwarding through one of the episodes and reading a summary instead

ophanimkei 6 days ago

Also, we're both watching Kodocha! Haha!

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daliwali 6 days ago

let's all love lain

i need you to know that i saw the ucc coffee w milk at my japanese grocery and i got it because of you, you are an influencer
sorbier 1 week ago

update: it was good, a little sweet;;;;;;;;;; per your influencing, i may try the unsweetened black next

suboptimalism 1 week ago

western manufacturers have stepped up their game lately but they still don't make anything like japanese unsweetened black coffee... closest they get is unsweetened cold brew.

suboptimalism 1 week ago

not canned, but i'm also fond of this UCC "職人の珈琲" that comes in a rectangular PET bottle with a blue label, it's black coffee with just the slightest hint of sugar, no milk or cream or anything, somehow it works perfectly

suboptimalism 1 week ago

one of these days i should update the canned coffee page, i've still been collecting cans this whole time, i have a backlog of maybe 40 of them

sorbier 1 week ago

ty, i shall report back. 100% support a 40-can injection to your coffee page

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saddleblasters 2 weeks ago

One thing I noticed since Special Sauce became the standard sort order, at first it seemed like there was a lot of variability -- I'd see a different assortment of websites every time I checked -- but now a few months later it feels like it's settled on the same 30 or 40 sites, just shuffling them around based on who updated most recently

saddleblasters 2 weeks ago

of course still much better than the old default of sorting by follower count

1 like
suboptimalism 2 weeks ago

the upside of special sauce is that those sites only stay up there because they are very active, if they stop updating constantly they'll drop out of the top pretty quickly. the old follower count sort had many long abandoned sites that stayed at the top forever since they steadily gained followers merely from being the most visible, and at a rate that was hard for newcomers to outpace

ghostscape 2 weeks ago

I think the text on your sort by hits url has a typo (says featured instead) but the link itself works!

I'm fascinated by your writings and pleased to see Ojamajo Doremi on the front page. Lovely site! ^_^
suboptimalism 2 weeks ago

thanks... one of these days i'll write about why doremi is the best mahou shoujo, but i'm not ready to take the heat yet...

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mouseling 2 weeks ago

I believe in you.

1 like
letslearntogether 2 weeks ago

Excellent summaries. I rofl'd quite a bit.

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niicespiice 1 month ago

idk if this entire nonfiction page is new, but i've never read it before, and i love it. i don't really read books and this stuff is very fascinating to me. you are a good writer too

digitalhumus 1 month ago

Incredible site design. In particular I like your short book review structure. Another thing that caught my attention is how you hide your e-mail from bots. Your book trade offer is an incredible idea with a spicy touch of unknown outcome feeling attached to it.

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suboptimalism 1 month ago

the nonfiction page is new, though it's been in the works for months

is the background toki pona???
1 like
suboptimalism 1 month ago

it's woshite (ヲシテ) script, a kind of jindai moji (

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CreatedMay 5, 2022
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