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Saying the word "faggot" on the internet both to describe yourself and to use as an insult (aka me) is based, burning people's shit or stealing shit is what figurative faggots do (literal "faggots" just have gay sex so who cares)
*Figurative for people who are pathetic as fuck, literal for gay sex
Although as for the YT Shorts thing, who the hell is so pathetic they justify stealing and burning things that aren't even theirs? I think its more of an issue with the person themselves rather than YT shorts as much as I'd like to blame them, but come on just get your own flag and burn it if you wanna burn stuff. That way you are just wasting your money instead of other people's money and in the burning case,
you probably wont risk someone's life because you'll be able to easily put out the fire of your own flag and you won't be burning it when its hanged on someone else's house.
no im talking about the comment section of the video, these ppl r saying that "we need to steal america back from the gays"
This is why I hate yt shorts
yt moderation aint lookin good
i dont care if u say fag if ur referring to urself, but if its to be mean to gay people its kinda ehhh idk tho
society is dead.