Digital Cheese's Website

9,257 updates
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Since I can't listen to a woman's voice on a YouTube video without instantly turning it off, I'm going to be searching for a little bit to find a good French grammar channel not done by a woman, shouldn't be hard but still (at least this isn't a problem for the Latin ones seemingly).
FINALLY i figured out why pulseaudio was a bitch and it was because i was retarded. as a result, i now know how to make it so that way shit works, so yay i can officially use audio on Arch. French + German should be easier with this
We're going on another mass tweet-delete spree tonight boys. Also, I'm going to be continuing decisions on the redesign, along with planning out how to build a desktop to have a webserver.
dc-blog 2 days ago

Yes, I am unironically using Twitter + Fediverse more because I can't shitpost on Neocities more than 10 times per day now LOL. Although I only write statuses when I have anything of actual noteworthiness to say anyways, even if it doesn't add up to much despite 2k words. I should probably write more articles soon though, although those are reserved for things I've actually thought out all the way (which is nothing).

Arguing with some pajeets today on Twitter, if anyone wants to join then say so and I'll edit this comment to have the thread.
arandomsite 3 days ago

wth is a pajeet

lukaszone 3 days ago

@arandomsite I looked it up and I found this definition: “ (Internet slang, originally 4chan, ethnic slur, derogatory) A person of South Asian ancestry”

arandomsite 3 days ago

bruh ._. (im south asian)

dc-blog 3 days ago

@arandomsite pajeets is for the Indians

We're going on another mass tweet-delete spree tonight. Deleting all of the 2023 tweets, of which there are plenty hard to find due to Twitter being annoying, but I exported account data so it's easier. Soon we might be under 30k :D
Re( Quick question, did middle-school you read Mein Kampf? If so, in German or a (likely jewish) English translation?
wizardperspective 3 days ago

I was aware of Mein Kampf but never read it. Still haven't lmao.

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wizardperspective 3 days ago

I actually have a bit of a story regarding my edgy Nazi phase in middle school. Blame the middle school history teacher for that haha.

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dc-blog 2 days ago

@wizardperspective dont blame u XD, also its like over 720 pages long and was originally 2 volumes. And XD

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A new status post pertaining to 3DSPaint, PHP self-host, Linux changes, and YouTube has been released. Also, we have hit 250,000 website views at last :D (
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950 3DSPaint blogs have been achieved, so we are in the final stretch. These last 50 blogs are what seperates me from the golden star author badge on 3DSPaint, technically 51 due to weird bugs but whatever. My Aryanism is rising and I am ascending into hyperborea I feel, we are about to witness greatness.

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedDec 30, 2021
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