
2,426 updates
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remade the homepage (and wrote a new post)
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updated with new posts!
rbuchanan 2 weeks ago

These look terrific! You may want to consider linking your thumbnails to your images' URLs.

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in reply to your comment under my post; you are probably right! while dokuwiki is very easy to maintain and stores pages in plaintext, i imagine relying on a PHP application will risk more problems down the road than a statically written website regardless. keeping my page here as a backup is probably the better move.
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rbuchanan 3 months ago

Whatever you choose to do, I'm looking forward to it!

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a (potential) new version of elaboraet is now up on :). if i decide to move there fully, i may convert this instance into a nice dedicated gallery for my art.
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rbuchanan 3 months ago

It looks really nice! You should probably substitute a congruent light background for your white backgrounds.

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rbuchanan 3 months ago

Why not just retain your Neocities account and mirror on your site here? This would assure greater ease, access, and security by redundancy. Don't bother to consign your stuff to a Zuckerzone, Muskworld, Bezos-domain, etc. -- they're all corrupt corporate parasites.

rbuchanan 3 months ago

Moreover, you're better served to use static HTML and CSS rather than dependent, fugitively supported wikiware or blogware. I wasted years wrangling with Blogger, then Wordpress before finally settling back into static HTML, which is much more easily collated, archived, and updated -- esp. if you're willing to design templates whenever necessary.

rbuchanan 4 months ago

Cool tunes B)

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hi there: for a pair of affordable IEMs (as in 20-30$) i'd recommend the "linsoul zero 2"; these are the pair i referenced in my post!
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rbuchanan 5 months ago

Thank you!

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CreatedAug 26, 2018
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critique philosophy writing computers 90s