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This info needs to come out
This site says is a pedo
Get the pitchforks out guys, time for a good ol' witch hunt.
who even is that
fucking yikes. never knew the person but thanks for the heads up.
she deleted the website so lets hope she deletes her discord aswell.
oh you gotta be bloody kidding me
heres the archive if you didnt visit the site before they deleted it:
ew, their page & neocities profile seems to be gone so fucking r.i.p.
They are truly a disgusting person, holy shit
Oh god!! That's disgusting!!
I was about to roll my eyes in a "great, another novel length call-out post for someone retweeting a picture of a 17 y/o anime girl showing her butt" because that's what I expect when I see pedo accusations on the internet now... but... ho-lee shit. She needs to seek help, and I mean that genuinely.
NOOO THEY HAVE SUGARTEARAS BUTTON :(((( im starting to hate sugarteara
just because they had sugarterra's button without their consent?
yeah, sugarteara doesn't seem to have anything to do with this. don't get on their ass just for having the button of a sneaky pedophile