101 Flaws

1,036 updates
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Wonderful selection of cute visuals, thank you for creating this site.
1 like
wowzow 5 hours ago

Thank you (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Glad I can help give some of these graphics another life on some new pages

How did you learn to code in html? That "hover to open the box" effect is really cool
sinlessflesh 1 day ago

Thanks! I do all the hover animations in a CSS file using transitions! honestly, everything I learned to do was from looking it up on the internet. is an incredibly helpful resource, and many people here list other resources on their sites!

1 like
If there's something that both rooms entities and object show characters need more of: its having noses, like A-100 from Interminable Rooms and Umbreller from Into the Floppa Dimension
Reminder that this site is directly based off of G-122 from Rooms: Low Detailed ( )
101-flaws-in-his-requiem 4 days ago

Am I the only person on this entire site that likes rooms? I've seen from pretty obscure interests here but there's no way I'm the only one. If there's someone here into Roblox DOORS then there must be a rooms fan to follow

101 Flaws was updated.
5 days ago
I'm thinking about isolating myself again so I might get back to updating this before college starts. I got too comfortable and I regret making friends
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101-flaws-in-his-requiem 6 days ago

Thank you to everyone who is still following despite the silence, I will continue to fix the art showcase

Some interesting work, thank you for sharing. Vega is a sucker for detailed linework. UBWU
Thank you to everyone who is following me, you're very nice
I'm going to add more rainbows, add credits for said rainbows, start on a proper music n' noise page and possibly add artwork
The birthday of this site is approaching, hopefully I will be able to get major pages done by then. There will be a particular idea that will be held onto for a while due to the sheer coding and organization needed to pull it off. As it is meant to be a mirror of a Wikipedia pretending to be about an existing media, which will need a lot of substance in the first place.
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101-flaws-in-his-requiem 3 months ago

I just need to add more to the rainbow collection first

Website Stats

Last updated 14 hours ago
CreatedJun 21, 2023
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noise roomslowdetailed interminablerooms roblox horror