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Here's a little vaporwave/mallsoft for a lazy saturday afternoon...
saint-images 2 years ago

Just listened to this particular mix on work yesterday; that's a great one, has some of my favorites like Phoenix #2772. Just in case anyone's wondering, here's the song sampled in their entry

arkmsworld 2 years ago

Neat. I was only dimly aware of Vaporwave when it originally became of thing back in the early 2010's or so. But, over the last few years, I've found that I like a fair amount of it. :)

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arkmsworld 2 years ago

And this video actually makes me nostalgic for the giant, indoor malls with all the interesting and fun stores we had back in the day. Don't have any of those places anywhere around where I live these days....and most of the good stuff has either gone online or been left behind with the passage of time (like arcades and novelty stores). :(

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Detective media. Are you lookin' for old tv show suggestions or someplace to watch old shows like Columbo online?
emberwing12 2 years ago

ah, thanks for asking! mainly looking for old tv show suggestions, if anything, ive got a spot to watch a lot of things so im looking to narrow the scope

arkmsworld 2 years ago

Well, one of my favorite private eye shows from the 70s was the Rockford Files. Kolchak: The Night Stalker was a good mystery/detective show involving supernatural creatures and events. Of course, Magnum P.I. and Simon and Simon were great early/mid 80s private eye shows. Mission Impossible from the 1960s was a great spy was I Spy (also from the 60). A great, more modern spy show was Burn Notice

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arkmsworld 2 years ago

in the 2000s

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arkmsworld 2 years ago

There's also the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman from the 70s which were secret agent type shows with bionically enhanced main characters.

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I grew up in VA, just outside of Washington DC. Used to go to the Smithsonian all the time. The Museum of Natural History was always one of my favorite museums as well (especially because of the dinosaurs!), surpassed only by the Air and Space Museum (b/c I'm a space nerd). :)
troy-sucks 2 years ago

omg!!!! love to see a person who loves the museum of natural history as much as i do :D

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But, I looove the sea. It moves with the same inner rhythm of your own body, it stretches to infinity in all directions, and contains all possibilities. :D I am very slowly rebuilding my seashell collection. I used to have BOXES of shells...and shark's teeth...and even a piece of whalebone. All lost to the years. :( Welcome to Neocities!
arkmsworld 2 years ago

Added a few pics and a bit of text. And cut the image meg size in half to load a bit faster.

The Peru pages are up. They are veeery image heavy.
I'm in the middle of working on a webpage for a trip to Peru I recently got back from. Probably won't be done for another week or so, but there are a lot of good pictures that should give a good feel for the event. I highly recommend visiting Machu Piccu and the rest of the Sacred Valley, if you can. It's totally an amazing experience. :)
For anyone who's looking to learn about game programming with javascript on the HTML canvas, this guy has a really sweet deal on a couple of video tutorials and a programming book(pdf) ->
Have A Jazzy Saturday Night :)
arkmsworld 2 years ago

Added some James Bond fansites to the TV page, 'cause I'm on a 007 kick atm. :) I watched the last two bond movies on Amazon these last two weekends. Both are really good. I think the 007 movies is the only series of movies I've run across where ALL of them are well done and enjoyable to watch. Not a bad one in the bunch.

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