the human finny

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happy 2004 woooooooooo!!
The layout of this thing is extremely WIIIIIIIILD, I'm a sucker for punk/grunge aesthetics and those ransom note type... thingies and this absolutely blowed my mind how well this managed to fit right in with the layout.
humanfinny 7 months ago

omg thank you sm!! i love your site... the angles, the green, ahhh its all way too cool!! excited to see how it continues <3

hey nifty, its finny from CDwORLD, drop me a msg when u got the deets for your other CDs and I'll put them on the site :)
absolutely LOVE your layout. you NAILED the mid-late 00s thing. this is what all my favorite websites looked like when I was 13!! can't wait to see what comes next. :)
humanfinny 7 months ago

thank you so much!! i have been super bad with updates but hope to be back in the next year, ty so much for your lovely comment. your site rocks!! the groove, the flow from page to page, so awesoem!!

1 like
lava lounge's new look is so cool!!! groovy
lavalounge 9 months ago

@HUMANFINNY Thanks so much, glad ya like it! :)

1 like
Hey Lost! Sorry for the delay, I was unable to find a way to contact you. I added a page for the 32bit Cafe halloween event with templates for my pixel club.
lostletters 9 months ago

Sorry for being so elusive! I should have given you my email. Apologies! Thanks for wanting to collaborate on the event. We'll have your templates, link, and credit on the event page shortly. :D

humanfinny 9 months ago

No worries, thanks for reaching out! That sounds awesome, thanks again :D

Hey Kristin, just saw ur msg about CDwORLD from 2 weeks ago (argh i always forget to check my msgs, sorry), excited to see ur CD!! hope u r well <3
antikrist 11 months ago

heyy!!! so sorry its taking so long. its still a WIP since ive been putting most of my time into my new layout! comme ci comme ça, hope you are doing ok too!

humanfinny 11 months ago

no worries, anytime u r ready is good! your new layout is super dope!

hey Bechno!! wanted to pop in and say thank u for your patience with how long it took me to add ur CD to CDwORLD, i was totally swamped argh! your CD totally rocks, its such a great version of the cover <3
hello!! i just wanted to tell you that your website looks STUNNING + i love your pages, especially the one about flip phones (: hope you'll have a good day!!!
humanfinny 1 year ago

thank you v much! your website is super neat, i loved your comic! also sparkling water supremacy haha, hope youre having a good one as well :D

thank u for the follow, your site rocks!

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CreatedJul 17, 2021
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