Reading Project

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New Review today: the third John le Carré novel we've posted a review for this month!: A Murder of Quality
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Here's another little epilogue to the AI problem. Robin Hobb (AKA Meghan Lindholm) has discovered that she and other authors' work have been used by Meta in a data set to train AI without their consent. Here's a couple of links to the Author's Guild about the issue...
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bright-eyes 1 day ago

I did a search on this site to see which authors are in the Lib Gen database, and works from everyone I looked up came up in it, from authors like Tolkien to modern day writers like Marie Brennan.

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readingproject 1 day ago

It's pretty disgusting. You've obviously been following this. You suggested I do a blog post last month about it. I think I'll wait to the beginning of next month when the post will be active for longer. Think I will also include something in my next newsletter. If you want to write anything for either of those I'd be happy to include it in either of those. Thanks

New Review by Umbritzer today: The Constant Gardener by John le Carré
nohappynonsense 1 week ago

hell yeah umby

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umbritzer 1 week ago

better late than never.

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New Review: Call for the Dead by John le Carré

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CreatedMar 5, 2017
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